Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Quietly Loses Two Maps

Two of the three maps that were quietly added to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare recently have now been removed from the 2019 game, and just like when they were added, there was little fanfare.

CharlieIntel reports that Infinity Ward has seemingly removed the Al-Raab Airbase and Drainage maps from the game. They were ever only playable in private matches as opposed to the public multiplayer playlists. However, both are now gone entirely. The third map that was added by surprise, Killhouse, remains available in Modern Warfare.

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Now Playing: We Need To Say Goodbye To Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

It’s also been revealed that a new Sparks Operator bundle popped up in the Modern Warfare in-game store recently; the DLC pack features a previously unreleased pistol.

The release of the new maps caught players by surprise, as developer Infinity Ward seemingly didn’t let players know they would be coming. Similarly, Infinity Ward has not commented on their removal, so it’s not clear what’s going on here.

Some portion of the Modern Warfare audience has complained that Activision is abandoning Modern Warfare, despite it still being connected to Warzone. The publisher is primarily focusing on Black Ops Cold War and Warzone, which are newer than Modern Warfare.

Season 2 for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone is going on now, and the games just added their sixth new weapon, an ultra-powerful sniper rifle. Season 2 is set to wrap up later in April, after which Season 3 will kick off with what could be some major changes.

About Eddie Makuch

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