Call Of Duty: Vanguard Dev Outlines Changes Coming To The Game

After taking time off for the holidays, the developers of Call of Duty: Vanguard are back to work and players can look forward to what sound like some positive changes coming to the game.

Posting on Twitter, Sledgehammer Games listed off some of the updates that are on the way, beginning with a tweak to the Panzerfaust Challenges to help players complete them. Additionally, Vanguard will get “perk adjustments” to help counteract elements related to fire. On top of that, Sledgehammer will balance changes to weapons–specifically, there will be buffs for snipers and nerfs for shotguns.

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Finally, Sledgehammer is making a change to mortar barrage to reduce its duration.

“Thank you for your patience while we were working behind the scenes,” Sledgehammer said. “You can expect more frequent updates now that we’re back, with more to come this week.”

When the best-selling games of 2021 are announced later this month, Vanguard is projected to be the top-seller in the United States, as has become tradition for the Call of Duty series over the years. Call of Duty has been the No. 1 best-selling game each year of the past decade except for in 2018 and 2013 when Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption II and Grand Theft Auto V topped the charts. (It’s worth noting that the 2018 race was very close, and that Red Dead Redemption II edged out Black Ops 4 in part because PC sales of the Treyarch shooter were not tracked).

Vanguard and Call of Duty: Warzone are now integrated, and the battle royale game continues to expand with its new Caldera map and anti-cheat measures that players are responding positively to.

Call of Duty content carries on as Activision Blizzard faces lawsuits and other investigations related to alleged sexual harassment and discrimination against women.

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About Eddie Makuch

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