Call of Duty: Vanguard‘s latest update is live, and the March 10 patch notes reveal some bug fixes for multiplayer and major buffs for sniper rifles.
The biggest part of this Vanguard update is the balancing pass for the sniper rifle class. According to tweets from Sledgehammer Games, player feedback was taken into consideration, and the developer said it recognized that snipers were underperforming in Vanguard. “Because of this, we wanted to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon in this class,” the developer said.
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For the Type 99, which Sledgehammer Games describes as the best choice for quickscoping, the patch notes reveal the sniper will now have faster ADS time and less sway while walking. The 3-Line is described as being the game’s most stable sniper rifle, but it will have even more stability with a decrease to the flinch received when taking fire, which will allow players to better maintain accuracy. Vanguard’s most versatile sniper, the Kar98K, has received a decrease to its ADS time to help with close-quarters situations.
On a smaller note, fixes were made to squash bugs that previously caused incorrect XP requirement values to be displayed in the Career Progression and Level Progression menus. The patch notes also address an exploit that would reveal the enemy team’s bomb location in Search and Destroy mode.
The full patch notes can be found below, as shared by Sledgehammer Games.
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Search and DestroyAddressed an exploit that would reveal the enemy team’s bomb location.
Type 99 (Sniper Rifle)Decreased ADS time from 498ms to 400ms (-20%).Decreased weapon sway while walking by 80%.3-Line Rifle (Sniper Rifle)Decreased weapon sway while walking by 50%.Decreased flinch intensity by 50%.Decreased max damage range from 40m to 15m (-63%).Kar98k (Sniper Rifle)Decreased ADS time from 595ms to 500ms (-16%).Sniper Rifles and Marksman RiflesDecreased flunch intensity by 30%. This change does not apply to the SVT-40, 3-Line Rifle, or Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle.
Shiraishi Short Barrel (Type 99) Decreased ADS time multiplier from -10% to -5% (-50%).
Bug Fixes
BarracksIncorrect XP requirement values will no longer be displayed in the Career Progression menu.Incorrect Prestige and XP values will no longer be displayed in the Level Progression menu.After Action ReportPrestige icons are no longer misaligned in the Level Up menu.Incorrect Prestige values will no longer be displayed in the Summary menu.