Sledgehammer’s eagerly awaited Call of Duty: Vanguard has arrived, and players are already pulling off some seriously impressive plays and discovering the ins and outs of multiplayer in particular. In this post we’re rounding up some of the best and most interesting discoveries for Vanguard that we’ve come across so far, including top plays, weird bugs, and more–we’ll update this post further in the time ahead.
Bayonet Skills
Reddit user Canadian Tim posted a video that shows off a very skilled use of the bayonet. The other player basically never had a chance.
This Looks Like A Bug
Vanguard’s launch hasn’t been perfect, as players have reported various issues with the multiplayer in particular. Multiple videos have documented what appears to be a broken spawn system where players spawn together with enemies. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. As you can see in the video below, the player who spawned behind enemies can rack up some easy kills. It would be very frustrating to be on the other side of his, however.
Death By RPG
In this clip from BigWan-Cornholeby, the player successfully pulls off a mighty impressive play with the RPG. Watch as BigWan takes out a whopping eight players with one pull of the trigger.
The Matrix
A clip uploaded by PhenomJW shows off a bug that turns their character into Neo from The Matrix. Watch as the game appears to go into “bullet time” in what appears to be a bug. Unfortunately for PhenomJW, they weren’t able to dodge the bullets like Neo.
What Is That?!
In this clip from TheOnlyArs from the game’s campaign, some kind of creature appears on the screen that the user jokes is “some kind of Nazi animal technology.” This is probably a bug, but in any event, it’s quite scary and unsettling–at least until it explodes.
Vanguard is out now across console and PC. Here at GameSpot, we scored the game a 7/10 in our Call of Duty: Vanguard review. Critic Phil Hornshaw said, “Tweaks in multiplayer and Zombies advance the Call of Duty franchise overall, and an emphasis on distinct characters makes Vanguard’s story fun, but it doesn’t always mix well with the series’ gameplay.”
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