Call Of Duty: Warzone Armored Royale Mode Removed Due To Invisibility Glitch

Developer Raven Software has yanked a mode from the free-to-play battle royale game Call of Duty: Warzone due to a pretty serious-sounding glitch.

The developer said on Twitter that the playlist playlist featuring the Armored Royale mode has been pulled as it investigates a bug that could cause players to go invisible. That’s a pretty serious bug.

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Armored Royale is a spin on the standard battle royale mode where teams get an armored truck with a mounted gun to use. It’s a chaotic variant on the standard battle royale, but it doesn’t work when some players become invisible.

This is just the latest invisibility glitch for Armored Royale, as PC Gamer reminds us that a previous bug caused helicopters to become invisible on the battlefield.

Outside that issue, Warzone had suffered through another bug involving a stim glitch that players were taking advantage of to get the upper hand. That bug has been addressed, but it has been an ongoing issue for the game.

In better news for Warzone, a double weapon XP event is coming up in time for Valentine’s Day. Additionally, a special version of Kill Confirmed called “Kiss Confirmed” is coming to standard multiplayer for the romantic holiday.

About Eddie Makuch

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