Call Of Duty: Warzone Developer Needs Your Help To Make The Game More Accessible

Raven Software wants to make Call of Duty: Warzone more accessible, and it needs your help. In a post on Twitter, the developer asked anyone playing its Call of Duty battle royale title to fill out a form with any accessibility suggestions they have.

“We want everyone to experience Verdansk in all its glory,” the developer wrote on Twitter. “So if you run into accessibility barriers, we want to know.” Call of Duty Warzone already sports a list of accessibility features that are listed on an FAQ on the game’s site.

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Now Playing: COD Warzone Nuke Event: The End of Verdansk

The feedback form that Raven Software provided is very barebones itself. It consists of just two sections, one asking players what platform they’re playing on and another asking for players’ descriptions of their experiences in Warzone.

It’s hard to tell how accessibility-focused this survey is, seeing how broad these questions are. A small preface before the questions that reads “If you experience any issues, have any concerns, or run into any barriers preventing you from playing and enjoying Call of Duty: Warzone, we want to hear from you,” also points more towards general feedback rather than accessibility recommendations.

Instead of using the survey, some Warzone players have taken to Twitter to voice their accessibility-based issues with the game. A common suggestion is a change to character visibility, especially in regards to Roze, one of the game’s operators. Seeing characters can sometimes be a challenge in Warzone, but Roze, who sports an all-black wetsuit, can blend in with dark areas in the game, giving some players camouflage.

Call of Duty: Warzone recently went through a series of massive changes following the End of Verdansk event. The map, which has been in the game since its launch, has been completely destroyed. Now, players are dropping in on a version of that map set in 1984.

About Otto Kratky

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