Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile – Best Settings For Controller And Touchscreen

Warzone Mobile brings back Call of Duty’s popular Verdansk and Rebirth Island battle royale maps, and you’ll want to make sure you’re using the best settings for your mobile device. Optimal settings are always going to be subjective, but here we detail our preferred options for playing Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile.

Here are the recommended settings for playing across Android and iOS devices:

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Best HUD Settings

There are a lot of HUD customization options in Warzone Mobile, and some of your preferences might vary depending on the size of the device you’re playing on, as there are options that allow you to relocate buttons, scale their icon sizes, and alter their visibility. For me, the preset layout buttons were placed fine on a phone, but felt a little out of reach when playing on a large iPad Pro.

There are even a few presets you can try. The Classic and Popular presets have a nice look and feel for playing on touchscreen or controller, but from there you can decide if you want further customization.

From here, we’ll focus on other more specific game settings.

Best touchscreen controls

Control sets

Manual Fire: OnAutomations: Custom


Weapon Auto Pick Up: OnAuto Pick Up Starter Handgun: OnWeapon Auto Equip: OnWeapon Auto Pick-Up Options: Initial slotsTurn To Damage Assist: OnLoot Auto Pick Up: OnAuto Mantle: AutoParachute: ManualClimb Stairs Buttons: OnAuto Crouch: OnTurn Corners Assistance: OffAuto Equip Armor: On


Virtual Stick Behavior: AnalogSprint To Stand: OnCamera Rotation Mode: AcceleratedADS Button Allows Rotation: OnFire Button Allows Rotation: OnThrow Back Button Allows Rotation: OnWeapon Mount Movement Exit: OnWeapon Mount Exit Delay: Medium


Weapon Trigger: Manual fireAuto Fire on Objects: CustomVehicles: Enemy onlyAuto Fire Range Limiter: OffSingle-Shot Fire Behavior: Custom Shotguns: OnSniper Rifles: OffAim Down Sights When Firing: OffSnap ADS Fire Button To Finger: OffADS Behavior: ToggleFocus Behavior: ToggleAuto Melee: Off


Sprinting Door Bash: On


Force Reload: Sprint onlyForce Equipping Armor: OffEquip All Armor Plates: OnAim Assist: On


Vehicle Controls: Stick


Gyroscope: Off

There are some trick-shot players who have used the Gyroscope setting to get a better “flick” movement when sniping, so feel free to try this setting, but you’ll likely want it turned off.


Invert Vertical Look: Off


BR Squadmate Outlines: OnMP Teammate Outlines: OnBR Enemy Outlines: OnMP Enemy Outlines: On



Left Fire Display: Always onFire Buttons While Autofire: OffShow Ammo (WZ): SeparatedShow Ammo (MP): SeparatedHit Marker Display: OnHit Marker Size: NormalHit Marker Transparency: 1.00


Auto Sprint Lock: OffChange Stance: MergedFixed Joystick: OffInvert Camera (Horizontal): OffInvert Camera (Vertical): Off


Resupply Alert: OnReload Cancel Alert: On


In-game Tutorial Tooltips: Off


First-person Sensitivity

Aim Sensitivity (Horizontal): 65.00Aim Sensitivity (Vertical): 0.65

Controller sensitivity

Horizontal Stick Sensitivity: 6

Vertical Stick Sensitivity: 6

Sensitivity is often a personal preference, but I’d recommend starting with at least a 6 and moving up from there as you get comfortable with the movement.

ADS sensitivity

Global ADS Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.50ADS Sensitivity Per Zoom: OnADS Sensitivity Multiplier (low zoom): 1.0ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (2x-3x zoom): 1.50ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (4x-5x zoom): 1.00ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (6x-7x zoom): 1.50ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (8x zoom): 1.50ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (high zoom): 5.00ADS Sensitivity Transition Timing: Gradual

The global ADS sensitivity multiplayer defaults at 3. I think it feels better when the sensitivity is reduced for touchscreen use. Personally, a 1.00 feels better than 3, but feel free to play around and test this at a reduced level.

Best controller settings

Follow all of the settings listed above for touchscreen until you get to the final settings for controller and ADS sensitivity. You’ll likely find you want a higher ADS speed for the controller, and you’ll want to leave the Global ADS sensitivity at the default of 3. Also, turn the ADS sensitivity per zoom to “Off.”

You’re able to adjust your settings mid-match, so you can always alter the sensitivity settings on the fly if you find you need something to be higher or lower.

About S.E. Doster

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