Call Of Duty: Warzone The Last Hours Of Verdansk Event Is Live

Call of Duty: Vanguard will get Warzone integration with the new Caldera map on December 8, but players have one final event to bid farewell to the Verdansk map. The Last Hours of Verdansk is now live in Warzone, bringing a limited-time playlist that sends players searching World War II bomber crashes.

The Last Hours of Verdansk was originally scheduled for November 30, but was quietly postponed for December 6. In this final goodbye to Verdansk, matches are played in trios with similar rules to Rebirth Island’s Resurgence mode, which allows for fallen sqaudmates to respawn on each other as long as at least one member of the squad is still alive. This also means the Gulag is closed, and each player starts with one self-revive item. Otherwise, this plays out mostly like a regular match of battle royale on Verdansk, with players looting for weapons and fighting to survive the circle collapses.

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In addition to survival, World War II bomber planes fill the skies above Verdansk, and planes will periodically crash and need to be searched. Searching a plane crash gives a marked intel point on the map, and players must successfully collect four pieces of intel. Near the final circle, players must avoid missile barrages and secure a marked underground bunker location to get the win. The last trio or player standing can win by being the last survivor or by securing the bunker.

Regardless if you survive, staying to spectate the final moments of the match will grant a very brief and underwhelming final cutscene of Verdansk. It simply pans to a few popular locations in Verdansk before zooming in on a desk inside one of the bunkers to show photos and a map of Caldera. The ending doesn’t even show any destruction to assume it really is the complete destruction of Verdansk, and maybe this means players will see some variation of the map return in the future. Following the Verdansk cutscene, players then get another preview of the new Warzone Pacific Caldera map.

Additionally, anyone who participates in the Last Hours of Verdansk playlist will unlock a unique ‘I Was There’ calling card reward. The Secrets of the Pacific event and the Operation: Flashback playlist are both still live, but there is less than two days left in Verdansk for players to finish up their event challenges to collect their rewards.

Warzone will then head to the Pacific with the Caldera map for Vanguard’s Season 1. Warzone is a free-to-play game, but Vanguard players will get 24 hours of exclusive access to the new Caldera map at the start of Season 1. During this exclusive access, Warzone’s smaller Rebirth Island map will remain unlocked for everyone else to play. For more details on what to expect with the new Caldera map and Vanguard integration, here is everything we know about Warzone Pacific and Vanguard’s Season 1 update on December 8.

Raven Software’s Trello board also states that Warzone servers will “go dark” on December 7 at 9 PM PT/12 AM ET and remain unavailable until Caldera’s Early Access for Vanguard players begins on December 8 at 9 PM PT/12 AM ET.

It’s been a rough send off for Warzone’s first map, with quiet event launches, crashing that caused the Secrets of the Pacific event to be temporarily disabled, and this postponed and underwhelming finale for the Last Hours of Verdansk.

This event also arrives as a number of employees at Raven Software issue a walk-out in protest of surprise contract terminations within the QA team that began late last week. Call of Duty content continues as Activision Blizzard faces lawsuits and other investigations related to alleged sexual harassment and discrimination against women.

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About S.E. Doster

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