Call Of Duty: Warzone's Ban Operations Have Now Hit 500,000 Accounts

Call of Duty: Warzone has problems with cheaters, fraud, and abuse, as every wildly popular game does. Activision announced that its latest enforcement actions to help get these issues under control have hit 30,000 accounts, bringing the game’s lifetime total up to 500,000 banned.

Hacked accounts running exploits like aim bots and other enhanced aim cheats have been widespread throughout Warzone in recent weeks. As a result, Activision has been actively escalating its efforts to deplatform these cheaters, resulting in the banning of hundreds of thousands of malicious accounts.

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Several high-profile Warzone players and influencers have been working to draw additional attention to the cheating. This has resulted in some interesting situations, such as when Jack “CouRage” Dunlop managed to get several hackers banned live on stream.

While cheating in a game at the scale of Warzone will always be present at some level, just by virtue of its size and complexity, Activision has said that it is working to better mitigate the problem. Some solutions include issuing daily bans and even rolling out hardware bans for serial offenders (as many exploiters will generate huge numbers of fake accounts on a single console to continue cheating).

If you’re not currently in the process of getting banned from Warzone, you have a new crossover event to look forward to. The game’s new ’80s Action Hero DLC launches on May 20 and adds in Die Hard and Rambo content. This is all a step in Activision’s master plan to construct its own Metaverse.

About Alex Newhouse

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