Capcom Explains More Of Lady Dimitrescu's Design From Resident Evil Village

Capcom has shared some new details on Lady Dimitrescu, one of the fan-favorite characters from the upcoming Resident Evil Village. In the latest issue of Game Informer magazine, art director Tomonori Takano said the team wanted to avoid making the tall lady look too much like a vampire.

“The design of Dimitrescu was going off a vampiric motif,” Takano said. “But obviously if we had just gone straight in that direction, it would be very stereotypical. We wanted to make sure we created something more memorable.”

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Now Playing: Another Excuse To Talk About Resident Evil Village's Lady Dimitrescu

Takano went on to say that the team collaborated on ideas to make Lady Dimitrescu stand out more, and one idea that came up was making her very tall. Specifically, she stands nine feet, six inches tall. The developers also tinkered with her clothing to make her look unique.

“Talking about clothing as well, if it was just straight-up Gothic clothing, that would be forgettable as well, so we modified it so it stands out a little bit,” Takano said. “As with the village, we wanted to make sure she had some level of believability, but was memorable.”

The developers also confirm in the interview that Lady Dimitrescu’s full name is Alcina Dimitrescu and that she lives in a castle overlooking the village with three other vampiric women. They are referred to as her “daughters” but whether or not there is a blood relation remains to be seen.

In other news about tall women, you might have been pronouncing Lady Dimitrescu’s name wrong this whole time. Multiple additional demos are planned for Village, with the next one scheduled to release on April 24. The full game, meanwhile, arrives on May 7. If you picked up Resident Evil Village, then be sure to check out our guides roundup, which includes our spoiler-free walkthrough, essential beginner’s tips, treasure guide, and more. Otherwise, read up on why you should start the game on hardcore difficulty.

About Eddie Makuch

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