Even if you meet the PC requirements for Dragon’s Dogma 2, performance might not be as expected. In a statement sent to Eurogamer, developer Capcom acknowledged the issues ahead of the official release on March 22, and said that it’s planning to address them in the future.
As noted in GameSpot Dragon’s Dogma 2’s review, one of the cons of the pre-release build was the poor optimization on PC. According to the statement shared by Capcom, CPU usage can sometimes be higher than intended, which can cause frame rate drops.
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“In Dragon’s Dogma 2, a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and calculating the impact of their physical presence in various areas,” read the statement shared with Eurogamer. “In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate.”
Capcom also mentioned that, in said situations, lowering graphical settings that reduce GPU load may help in a limited capacity. But improving performance is in the plans for “the future,” without a specific time window for now.
In the meantime, the community is already strategizing about what to do in-game in the meantime to alleviate the performance issues. Noted in the Eurogamer article, there’s a post in the game’s Subreddit about sourcing a community list of non-essential NPCs that players might kill to try and prevent the high CPU usage.
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