Capcom Will Release Multiple "Major" Titles By March 2023

Capcom reported a highly profitable financial year this week, but the company is anticipating that the 2022-23 financial year will be even bigger. According to the company’s outlook for the future, it plans to sell 37 million units–up from 32.6 million units the previous fiscal year–with 30 million of those sales coming from outside of Japan.

Of that total, Capcom is predicting that its new games will count for 10 million units sold, while the rest of the sales will come from existing games such as the recent Resident Evil remakes, Resident Evil 7, and Resident Evil Village.

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Capcom’s current slate of 2023 titles includes dinosaur-centric action game Exoprimal and the mysterious Pragmata, while Street Fighter 6‘s release window has yet to be revealed. In the more immediate future, retro fans can revisit classic games in Capcom Fighting Collection on June 24 and Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium on July 22. Monster Hunter fans aren’t being left out either, as the Sunbreak expansion is scheduled to land on Switch and PC on June 30.

The financial year ending on March 31, 2022, has been a record-breaking period of success for Capcom. The company reported net sales of $850 million that were up by 15.5% year-on-year, its operating income had increased to $330 million, and its net income was up by 30.6% when compared to the previous financial year, having reached $250 million.

Resident Evil Village and Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin were big drivers for Capcom’s growth in 2021, while its back catalog also contributed heavily to these numbers.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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