Capcom's Pragmata Has Officially Been Delayed To 2023

One of Capcom’s newest titles, Pragmata, is now releasing in 2023 following its original launch window of 2022.

Capcom revealed the delay through a new YouTube video, showcasing the small blonde girl in a big blue coat seen in previous trailers. She’s holding a sign with the year “2022” crossed out and replaced with a “2023” next to it, along with the text “sorry :(“. This is probably the most adorable delay announcement ever seen.

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Now Playing: PRAGMATA Delayed Until 2023

Capcom provided some more context behind the delay, writing, “Our team is hard at work on the project, but to ensure this will be an unforgettable adventure, we’ve decided to shift the release window to 2023. In the meantime, we have a brand new artwork to share with you. Thank you for your patience.”

Back in January during CES 2021, Sony revealed release dates for some upcoming PS5 titles, including Ghostwire: Tokyo, Forspoken (then known as Project Athia), and Stray. Towards the end of Sony’s live stream, it mentioned that Pragmata had been pushed back to 2023. However, Capcom never officially confirmed that itself, but now it has.

Pragmata was revealed in 2020 during Sony’s PS5 reveal event. While many questions remain about the game’s setting, plot, and characters, we do know that the game is running on Capcom’s RE Engine.

Pragmata will now launch in 2023 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

About George Yang

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