Castlevania Meets The Bachelor In The First Behind The Scenes Look At Romancelvania

If you’ve ever wondered why so many mythical and monstrous beings call Dracula’s castle their home in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, you’re not alone. In fact, that line of thought is precisely what led to the creation of The Deep End Games’ newest steamy action game, Romancelvania.

In an exclusive dev diary, creative director Bill Gardner, narrative director Amanda Gardner, and producer Lindsay Gardner discuss how playing Symphony of the Night and encountering creatures like the Salem Witch and Frankenstein inspired them to come up with a reason as to why they lived under Dracula’s roof. The team then shares how this led to them offering up their own light-hearted and spicy take on the situation, and creating Romancelvania.

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Now Playing: Romancelvania – Exclusive Dev Diary Trailer

“We wanted to create a game that was fun and quirky and gothic and spooky,” Lindsay said. “I think the world needs some fun, the world needs some kookiness.”

According to UI designer Catherine Scully, it was also important to create a game that combined romance with horror, a oft-ignored pairing in games. As such, Romancelvania follows a down and out Dracula–affectionately referred to as “Drac”–as he or she attempts to find love within their castle walls. In terms of gameplay, the team states their goal was to combine the 2D side-scrolling action of Castlevania with all the drama, hilarity, and romance of the hit reality-television series The Bachelor. And with iconic monsters like Medusa and several unique (and cheeky) characters such as The Teenage Mutant Ninja Cthulhu and the seductive P.S. Elle, it looks like our fanged friend will have several options of whom to give their black rose to.

Romancelvania is slated to release on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on March 7, 2023.

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About Jessica Cogswell

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