CD Projekt Faces Another Class-Action Lawsuit Over Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the biggest games of the past few months, but the controversy surrounding the game continues to grow even a month after launch. Now, developer CD Projekt has acknowledged that the company is facing a second class-action lawsuit from a law firm representing its own investors, who claim that the company misled them regarding the performance of the game on Xbox One and PS4.

In a regulatory statement, CD Projekt says that the “content of the claim, including its subject and scope, is the same” as the first class-action lawsuit that the company acknowledged a few weeks ago. That lawsuit was filed by the New York-based Rosen Law Firm, which represents the investors who claim that the company lied to them about Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt further says it will “undertake vigorous action to defend itself against any such claims.” This second lawsuit was filed in the Central District of California. Several other law firms have publicly announced that they’re filing suits against CD Projekt, including the Pennsylvania-based RM Law.

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This lawsuit represents yet another addition to the swirling morass that has surrounded CD Projekt since the release of Cyberpunk 2077. Recently, the company’s co-founder released a lengthy statement described as a “personal explanation” for why the game did not meet the “quality standard” that CD Projekt wanted the game to meet. This was followed by a substantial report from Bloomberg that described how employees felt pressure to crunch from overly ambitious studio heads.

About Tamoor Hussain

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