While Cyberpunk 2077 was removed from the PlayStation store in December 2020, it looks like the game could be on the way back to the digital storefront–provided Sony deems the game fit for a return.
In an investor call, SVP of business development Michał Nowakowski shared (via Kotaku), “We have published several patches. We have just published a really big one yesterday and we have published several hotfixes. Each and every one of them brings us closer to going back to the PSN store. However, the final decision, you have to understand, belongs to Sony. We do believe we’re closer than further, but of course, the final call is theirs, so let’s wait and see.”
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It’s a vague statement that doesn’t put a firm timeline on when we can expect to see Cyberpunk 2077 back on PSN. But at the very least, it seems like CD Projekt Red is hopeful about Cyberpunk 2077’s future presence in Sony’s digital storefront.
In the same earnings call, CD Projekt Red also committed to releasing Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 next-gen patches before the end of 2021. Previously, the company hadn’t put a timeline to when patches for Xbox Series X|S and PS5 would roll out, only stating that they would arrive after it was done improving Cyberpunk’s performance
CD Projekt Red also recently released a massive Cyberpunk 2077 patch. There’s a lot in it, from a new delay on police arrival time in Pacific City to timing adjustments of certain voicelines. Driving too received a tweak in patch 1.2. A new Steering Sensitivity slider allows players to adjust how fast or slow the vehicle handles. The new patch should also improve performance on lower-power consoles and PCs.
For those interested in CD Projekt Red’s future plans, the company announced structural changes in a strategy update. The company also acknowledged the communication issues around Cyberpunk 2077’s launch and promised “much shorter” marketing and PR campaigns. The studio also plans to showcase its future games on all platforms that it will be available on, ostensibly to avoid a repeat of Cyberpunk 2077’s situation where heavy focus on next-gen and PC editions lead to misunderstandings about the game’s performance on current-gen consoles.
Patch 1.2 is the latest update in CD Projekt Red’s long roadmap for fixing Cyberpunk 2077, and fans should expect a free DLC to be released as well before the end of 2021.