Celeste Developers Reveal New Exploration Action Game, Earthblade

Celeste developer Extremely OK Games has revealed its next project. Titled Earthblade, the studio describes it as an exploration action game but says it’s still a while away from launch.

In a blog post, designer and director at Extremely OK Game, Maddy Thorson, explained that the studio had gone through three previous prototypes before eventually settling on what is now Earthblade. These prototypes weren’t bad but strayed too far into unknown territory for the studio to feel comfortable about finishing.

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“Prototypes EXOK1–3 taught us a lot, but ultimately, we ventured way too far from our comfort zone for them to realistically ever get finished,” Thorson writes. “It took a while, but we feel like we’ve settled on the right compromise between the two with Earthblade.”

Thorson also says that the studio doesn’t want to take too long developing Earthblade, but cautioned that it will be sometime before more of the game is shown. With Celeste, the studio was liberal with sharing images and snippets of the game as it was developed. That won’t be the same for Earthblade.

“While making Celeste, we basically tweeted out whatever interesting-looking thing we were working on day-to-day, when we were in the mood for sharing,” Thorson continued. “But an air of mystery lends itself particularly well to this project, so we’ve opted to save it all up for a big reveal that will hopefully blow your socks off.”

For now, all that there is of Earthblade is what the studio calls a “vibe reveal”, with a single piece of concept art and a short riff of music from Celeste’s composer, Lena Raine.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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