Champion Skins Finally Coming To Legends Of Runeterra In Latest Patch

Legends of Runeterra players are finally getting a long-requested feature, as Champions Skins are making their debut in the upcoming Patch 2.8.0.

The first four skins coming to LoR with Patch 2.8.0 include two from the Cosmic skin set-Zephyr Yasuo and Exile Riven– as well as Dark Star skins for Zed and Shyvana. Equipping skins will change the art for the champion at all levels, as well as the appearance of some minions that appear throughout the match. The patch will also bring new card backs, emotes, and Guardians for extra personalization.

A new Dark Horizon Event Pass will also become available with Patch 2.8.0. The pass contains 28 levels of rewards, beginning with the Cosmic Genius Von Yipp Guardian variant and ending with the Dark Star Drake Guardian. The Event Pass will be available in the in-game Store for 975 Coins.

The 2.8.0 patch for Legends of Runeterra will go live on May 19. The full patch notes are below, with a graphic of the Event Pass included at the end.

Legends of Runeterra Patch 2.8.0

New Event – Dark HorizonChampion SkinsNew Lab – Duo Queue: Shared SpoilsPersonalizationBugfixes

New Event – Dark Horizon

Prepare for unfathomable cosmic power – the Dark Horizon event arrives along with Patch 2.8.0! Travel along the infinite cosmos on the Dark Horizon Event Road, with rewards from the furthest reaches of the universe. A galaxy of new personalization items is also coming in the patch, including Cosmic & Dark Star champion skins, as well as our first Legendary-tier board, complete with its own Mega Guardian.

Champion Skins

Champion skins have made their way to Legends of Runeterra, and we’re kicking things off with two skins each from the Dark Star & Cosmic Skin lines that are absolutely out of this world.

Caught in an eternal conflict, Cosmic Zephyr Yasuo and Cosmic Exile Riven serve as warriors to defend the light against the unspeakable horrors of the Dark Star’s thralls, Dark Star Zed and Dark Star Shyvana.

Champion skins are a new way to personalize your favorite decks by taking them to an entirely new dimension! Equipping a champion with a skin will alter the art for all copies of each of that champion’s levels, as well as their accompanying flavor text. Some skins have entirely new level-up animations, and alter the appearance of summoned units (i.e. Dark Star Zed’s Living Shadows).

Look out for even more information about champion skins tomorrow before the patch drops!

New Lab – Duo Queue: Shared Spoils

Patch 2.8.0 brings a new rotation to Multilab:

Lab of LegendsDuo Queue: Shared Spoils (New in 2.8.0!)Ultra Rapid Draw

Grab a duo partner and a few of your favorite decks. It’s time for an entirely new 2v2 experience with independent lanes! In Duo Queue: Shared Spoils, each teammate plays their own 1v1 match alongside their partner. A choice of unique ‘supply drop’ cards are offered to a player on each team every few rounds; the drops a player doesn’t choose are offered to their teammate, so choose your drops wisely to support your team! If both players on a team win, their team wins. If one player on each team wins their match, they’ll enter into a tiebreaker match to determine the winning team.

Just like with other co-op Labs, the P.I.N.G. system has returned with new pings to communicate with your partner – you can also drag and drop them on the board or directly on cards!

That’s not all, though. Bonus rewards await winners after each victory, with a small chance to earn Epic & Champion Wildcards, or even Prismatics if you’re lucky enough, so fight hard!


Champion Skins

Cosmic Zephyr Yasuo (Alternate art + new level-up animation)Dark Star Zed (Alternate art + new level-up animation)Cosmic Exile Riven (Alternate art)Dark Star Shyvana (Alternate art)


Dark Horizon

This board has special visual effects and music.

Dark Emissary’s Realm

This board is always equipped with an exclusive Mega “Dark Emissary” Guardian, interactive elements, special visual effects, and music.


MinionautDark Star DrakeCosmic Genius Von YippDark Star Von YippCosmic Construct T-Hex

Card Backs

The CosmosThe Dark StarShadow of the Dark StarCosmic Exile


More Fired UpSparky Sparky Von Yipp


Dark Horizon Icons

Bundles / Event Pass

Dark Horizon Event Pass available in the Store for 975 Coins. Grants access to an upgraded event path with premium rewards, and immediately unlocks the Cosmic Genius Von Yipp Guardian Variant:

Play games to earn Star Fragments and unlock more rewards!Purchase before June 2 to get an exclusive quest that awards 10 Star Fragments and a Rare Prismatic Chest!Event ends and pass expires June 16 at 10:00 a.m. PT.

Horizon’s Edge Bundle is available in the store for 1590 Coins, prorated for any items owned in the bundle. Bundle includes:

Dark Horizon BoardExclusive Dark Emissary’s Realm Board with Mega Guardian

Cosmic Divide Bundle is available in the store for 4921 Coins, prorated for any items owned in the bundle. Bundle includes:

Cosmic Zephyr YasuoDark Star ZedCosmic Exile RivenDark Star Shyvana


A Mighty Poro created by Braum level 1 should no longer visually overlap with other units in the back row.Several improvements to text across the game in our continued effort for text consistency.

About Jason Fanelli

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