Check Out 20 New Diablo 2: Resurrected Screens Ahead Of This Weekend's Technical Alpha

A lucky number of fans will get to experience Diablo II: Resurrected‘s technical alpha this weekend, but for those of you who didn’t manage to snag a rare invite, there are always plenty of screenshots to stare at instead.

Blizzard released a large number of official screens that show the game off in action, revealing more of the lighting effects that have been added to this upgraded version of the beloved RPG.

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Now Playing: Diablo 2 Resurrected – 18 Minutes of Sorceress Gameplay

You can see them all in the gallery below:

We’ve also got a sneak peek at all the menu options, in case you want to see a different technical side to Diablo II: Resurrected.

For the players experiencing the technical alpha, there’ll be plenty of content to look forward to once it starts on April 9 at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET. During the alpha, players can choose to play as three of the seven classes that will be in the game. The Barbarian, Amazon, or Sorceress can be chosen, and story content will Act I: The Sightless Eye and Act II: The Secret of the Vizjerei.

Don’t get too attached to those characters and hoarding specific pieces of gear though, as once the technical alpha is complete that data will be wiped clean. You can at least bring save data from the original Diablo II into the Resurrected remaster.

Blizzard says that a second alpha will be focused on the game’s multiplayer and will be held later this year. If the screenshots aren’t enough for you, tune in to GameSpot’s Diablo 2 Resurrected livestream, in which we’ll explore the differences between the old game and this new incarnation that has been developed by Vicarious Visions.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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