Cherrim Should Now Be Easier To Catch In Pokemon Legends: Arceus

The first post-launch patch for Pokemon Legends: Arceus has arrived, bringing with it fixes for a number of glitches that have made life difficult for Arceus players. Chief among these: an issue where Cherrim would become uncatchable if it changed forms during a battle has now been fixed.

Prior to the 1.0.2 patch, the cute little cherry Pokemon was proving almost impossible to catch, with players on Reddit saying they spent multiple hours on the attempt, with Cherrim breaking out of Ultra Balls even on 1HP. The game’s Japanese support page acknowledged the bug prior to the new patch, saying that Cherrim couldn’t be caught if it transformed even once during a battle.

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Other updates include a fix for an issue where, during offline play, the screen would freeze if players tried to pick up a lost satchel after throwing a ball containing a Pokemon. Another fix stops players from obtaining duplicates of a Pokemon that was only intended to appear once.

Unfortunately, the update seems to have caused another bug with the potential to prevent players from ultimately catching Arceus. As mentioned by players on Reddit and now acknowledged on the Japanese support page, patch 1.0.2 has created an issue where players won’t be able to complete the “The Plate of Moonview Arena” mission if they catch Cresselia without talking to Melli first. As this mission is part of eventually unlocking the game’s ultimate Arceus encounter, it’s a frustrating bug for players to come up against.

The support page has said that this bug will be fixed in the next update, but hasn’t specified when that will be. For now, players are encouraged to make sure they talk to Melli before proceeding to try and catch Cresselia.

About Hayley Williams

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