Cities: Skylines 2 Dev Acknowledges Game's Rough State And Rushed DLC, Making Big Changes

Cities: Skylines II developer Colossal Order and publisher Paradox Interactive have addressed the game’s rough state and the recent release of the Beach Properties DLC.

Colossal Order CEO Mariina Hallikainen said on the Paradox Forum that the DLC will become a free addition to the game and provide as many refunds as possible for those who purchased it as a separate entity, as well as provide more content within the game’s Ultimate Edition. However, refunds will not available for those who already purchased the Ultimate Edition, as trying to implement partial refunds would be too complex.

Colossal Order will continue making new paid content and improving the game, so now the Bridges and Ports expansion will release in 2025 instead of Q2 2024. Internally, both Colossal Order and Paradox will hold a meeting together with a small group of player representatives to discuss the game’s development plan going forward this year.

As for the game’s console versions, the original plan was to launch them in Spring 2024, but the developer isn’t satisfied with their optimization yet. However, the developer hopes to have a viable release build by October, but won’t commit to a release date right now.

City Skylines 2 has suffered from performance issues, and the developers have repeatedly addressed players’ concerns since its launch.

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About George Yang

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