The weekly playlist refresher arrived to Black Ops Cold War today, and the July 29 patch notes include some minor improvements to Zombies. Players can also expect a new Gunfight tournament and Double Weapon XP.
New Playlists
Collateral Combined Arms 24/7 has returned to Black Ops Cold War, which is a mix of the 12v12 Combined Arms modes. And 3v3 Gunfight Snipers Only replaced the 2v2 Gunfight Blueprints. For fans of the large-scale Fireteam modes, Sat-Link was added to the Multi-Team Moshpit playlist.
Gunfight Tournament
A new Gunfight tournament starts today with new and exclusive in-game rewards. You can still unlock any previous tournament prizes you missed, you just need to replay and win the tournament bracket multiple times to unlock the additional rewards.
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Today’s patch notes mentions stability fixes and gameplay improvements for the mode, which include specific fixes for issues with the main Easter egg quest in Mauer der Toten, unresponsive Mimics in Firebase Z, various stability issues, and more.
Double Weapon XP
Double Weapon XP will be active for both Black Ops Cold War and Warzone from July 30 through August 2.
You can see the full July 29 patch notes for Black Ops Cold War below, as shared by Treyarch. And in case you missed it, Treyarch tweeted the latest teaser trailer for Call of Duty’s upcoming Season 5.
“Mauer der Toten”
Main Quest
Addressed an issue that prevented a quest item from dropping when the Megaton was killed by the Ghost Train.
Addressed an issue that caused Klaus to become unresponsive until he recharged after he used melee on a zombie while he completed a quest step.Addressed an issue that caused Klaus to deploy for a shorter duration than expected after previously activating a side quest while he was deployed.
Addressed a rare issue that caused the Krasny Soldat to stop chasing players between buildings.
“Firebase Z”
Addressed a rare issue that caused the Mimic to become unresponsive.
Onslaught (PlayStation)
Addressed an issue that could often cause enemies to stop spawning during an Onslaught Accelerated match.
Fixed rare stability issues related to Klaus, the RAI-K 84, and the “Mauer der Toten” Main Quest.
Apply Blueprints
Addressed an issue that caused loss of functionality when using the Apply Blueprint feature in conjunction with ziplines.
Added distance tracking info to several in-world waypoints icons.
Featured Playlists
Mauer der TotenOutbreakFirebase ZDie MaschineDead Ops Arcade: First PersonDead Ops ArcadeOnslaught (PlayStation)Onslaught Accelerated (PlayStation)Onslaught Containment (PlayStation)Onslaught Rush (PlayStation)
Added Sat-Link to the Multi-Team Moshpit playlist.
Featured Playlists
Gunfight Tournament [NEW]Collateral Combined Arms 24/7NukeJacked 24/73v3 Gunfight Snipers OnlyFace Off 6v612v12 MoshpitCranked MoshpitParty GamesMulti-Team
Fixed a rare crash when reaching checkpoints.