CoD: Modern Warfare 2 Progression Systems Detailed — Here's How Leveling Works

The release date is fast approaching for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and Activision has released a new blog post to explain how progression and ranking up will work in the game. Though the publisher said a more in-depth breakdown of all these progression systems would be revealed in a later blog, we do have some early information on what to expect when Modern Warfare 2 arrives.

The leveling progression for Modern Warfare 2 sounds much like what players have experienced in the last few years, with a seasonal prestige rank system instead of the traditional prestige formula of the older Call of Duty games.

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Military Ranks will serve as the first 55 levels players will progress through as they play Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer. Following the initial military ranks, each season of content will contain new seasonal challenges and more prestige levels to reach.

In addition to leveling up in the ranks, there will be plenty of weapons to unlock and level up. As previously showcased in the beta, Modern Warfare 2 features a new Gunsmith and weapons Platform system. Weapons are unlocked by using other guns within each platform, including the set of attachments for the guns in each shared platform. At launch, there will be 33 Platforms and a total of 51 weapons to unlock. Additionally, Activision said that each weapon Platform will also feature camo and mastery challenges to grind.

Base operators can also be unlocked for the game. Modern Warfare 2 will feature 18 operators who are unlockable with challenges related to the campaign, multiplayer, and Spec Ops mode. Of course, the fancy operator bundles will likely be available in the in-game store and as part of the seasonal battle passes sometime post-launch.

There will also be plenty of challenges to help with leveling up in the game. This includes daily challenges in multiplayer and Special Ops for XP rewards. Additional challenges will include things like career milestones that will offer XP and cosmetic rewards.

Activision’s blog post also gave the first details about Modern Warfare 2’s Spec Ops mode, which includes mission details and the leveling system. For more information, make sure to check out our breakdown of everything announced for Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will release on October 28 across PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Those with digital preorders of the game will receive early access to Modern Warfare 2’s campaign, starting sometime on October 20. Additionally, Activision announced a whole set of Modern Warfare 2 campaign rewards that players can earn for completing the campaign during the early-access period.

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About S.E. Doster

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