Modern Warfare 3 returned fast-paced movement and the slide-canceling mechanic to Call of Duty’s multiplayer, and now the developer plans to add a stamina bar to allow players to manage their tactical sprint and sliding.
This upcoming change was confirmed by Sledgehammer Games during a recent Q&A session on Twitch with popular Warzone streamer Repullze. According to Senior Development Director Adam Iscove and MP Creative Director Greg Reisdorf, a stamina bar is being added to the HUD “soon,” so players can better manage their use of movement mechanics. Unfortunately, a specific time frame wasn’t given for the addition.
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The interview also touched on other popular topics such as spawns and aim assist. The developers hinted that they’re looking to make tweaks to the game’s aim assist, explaining that while they think that aim assist is in an “okay” place, they want to look at it closer and will still be open to making changes later on. “We know we need to get in there and make sure that we can create a fair experience across everything,” said Reisdorf.
Spawns have improved since the game’s beta, but the developer is still looking at spawn data and more updates are expected in the future.
Another major update is announced to arrive sometime in early December with the start of Season 1 of Modern Warfare 3. Here’s a first look at Season 1’s brand-new core multiplayer maps for 6v6 modes. We also highlight all the updates coming to the first season of Zombies, which includes a new Wonder Weapon, story mission, and more.
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