CoD: Warzone 2 And Modern Warfare 2 Delaying Season 2, Now Launching Mid-February

Update: Activision has confirmed that CoD Season 2 will now launch on February 15. It says the team has been “making several changes based on what we have heard from our player community.” The new update will include a variety of content for Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2, including Resurgence and a small new map for Warzone 2, and Ranked Play and new maps, modes, and weapons for MW2. Further specifics were not shared. The original story follows

A new season of Call of Duty should be approaching soon, bringing a new battle pass and more updates to multiplayer and battle royale, but one dataminer claims Season 2 is going to be delayed for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

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Activision hasn’t announced a date yet, but based on the days left in Season 1’s battle pass, the Season 2 update was projected to go live on or around February 1. Now, known Call of Duty dataminer CODSploitz, who has accurately revealed release dates in the past, is suggesting Season 2 is set to be delayed.

CODSploitz claims datamining now shows the last Season 1 bundle will arrive on February 2 with an end date of Feb 15, which they believe reveals Season 2 should begin on or after February 15. Datamined shop bundles have been used in the past to help determine the start and end times for Call of Duty seasons, so it’s very possible a two-week delay could be hitting the second season of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

Coincidentally, a nearly identical situation affected last year’s Vanguard and Warzone 1’s Season 2 update, which was delayed from February 1 to February 14 to give the developers two more weeks to work on stability, bug fixes, and game optimizations. So, it’s possible Activision could announce something similar to make improvements to both multiplayer and battle royale.

While Season 1 is not in the same rough state as Vanguard and Warzone 1’s Caldera map, Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 have been criticized for the clunky UI, the lack of leaderboards and stats for battle royale, and more. Small changes were made in Season 1 to improve the Social tab for Modern Warfare 2’s menus, but it’s possible Season 2 could bring more enhancements and bug fixes.

The last major update for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 arrived back in December with the start of Season 1 Reloaded. The mid-season content included the Chimera assault rifle, Shipment multiplayer map, and Call of Duty’s first-ever Raid.

Season 2 is set to bring another Raid episode to Modern Warfare 2, but most of the season’s content is still speculation. Make sure to check out our breakdown of all the rumors and leaks surrounding Season 2 of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, including the season’s potentially leaked Japanese theme and return of the Ronin operator.

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About S.E. Doster

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