CoD: Warzone 2 And Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 Reloaded Start Times And Details

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2‘s mid-season update is just around the corner, with Season 2 Reloaded scheduled for later this month. Here is everything already announced for the big update, including a new map for multiplayer, another DLC weapon, and the next Raid episode.

Call of Duty Season 2 Reloaded start times

Based on the days left in the battle pass, the midseason update should arrive on or around March 15. These updates usually go live at around 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM BST.

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What to expect from Season 2 Reloaded

Call of Duty mid-season updates typically bring more maps, modes, and operator bundles. The Tempus Torrent is confirmed as the new marksman rifle, and there will also be a new throwable item with the Shuriken lethal equipment. Infinity Ward’s Season 2 patch notes for launch day also teased a limited-time holiday event as well.

The Season 2 Reloaded update for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 will likely include additional weapon balancing and bug fixes, too.

Warzone 2

Redeploy Drones were announced for the battle royale’s mid-season update. Redeploy Drones will work similar to Warzone 1’s Redeploy Balloons from the Caldera map. They’ll be locations that let players zip back up into the sky, and reposition themselves on the map.

The Call of Duty Twitter account also confirmed that Season 2 Reloaded would add all squad sizes to Ashika Island Resurgence in every weekly playlist for the remainder of the season. The launch of Season 2 only included squads as an option for Ashika Island, and solos and duo have been added briefly as limited-time options. However, a second tweet does warn that “playlist map/mode rotation will remain subject to change based on collected feedback and internal data.”

Modern Warfare 2

A new standard 6v6 map was teased for Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer. The map image provided in the Season 2 patch notes shows players will be fighting at a snowy mountainside resort.

More game modes are confirmed for Season 2 Reloaded. Drop Zone is Call of Duty’s Hardpoint-style variant mode that provides care packages to the capture zones, making this a chaotic game mode filled with killstreaks.

One in the Chamber is Call of Duty’s classic party mode that gives each player one bullet in their weapon, and they’ll only earn an additional bullet if they get a kill. Each player only has three lives to survive this free-for-all.

All or Nothing is a mode that gives players throwing knives and a pistol with no ammo. Scoring kills awards players with perks, and they can only get ammo for their pistol by eliminating at least one opponent to earn the scavenger perk.

Players can also expect a brand-new Raid episode. These three-player episodic Raids continue Modern Warfare 2’s story with a mix of stealth, action, and puzzle-solving objectives. Episode One: Atomgrad launched with Season 1 Reloaded, and Infinity Ward confirmed a new Raid episode would be added for each season to continue the ongoing mission with Price, Gaz, and Farah.

Season 2 greatly expands the game’s weapon pool. In addition to the upcoming marksman rifle, three new weapons are available in the free tiers of the battle pass, and a fourth is a crossbow that is included in this season’s limited-time event. Here’s a guide on all the ways to unlock Modern Warfare 2’s crossbow.

Call Of Duty's Most Overpowered Weapons Of All Time, RankedSee More

About S.E. Doster

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