Season 4 of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 includes the brand-new Vondel map for battle royale and DMZ. This medium-size map includes 15 main points of interest, but there’s also a secret townhouse filled with loot, and we’ll guide you bypassing Vondel’s “stuck door,” and help you get geared up with some high-tier loot.
During your adventures on Vondel you might’ve noticed a townhouse with a stuck door. It looks like any other door that you should be able to enter, but running up to this specific door gives you text that reveals the door is stuck. There’s also a prompt to interact with the door but nothing happens, and that’s because you’ll need to find the secret entrance.
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This building (as marked on the screenshot below) is located in the section of townhouses just west of Vondel’s Police Station. This townhouse is filled with loot and worth a visit, but first you’ll need to find a rebreather, which is the oxygen tank field upgrade to keep you underwater longer.
Finding a rebreather in battle royale can be the biggest challenge here, but they can be scavenged from the map. They seem to be most common in the first aid and medicine cabinets, but the zoo’s aquarium also seems to be a common spawn location.
For DMZ, you can scavenge the rebreather in the same way, or you can also get one through a bartering system. Here’s our guide on how the DMZ bartering system works, including the recipe for the rebreather and several other helpful items.
Take the rebreather into the nearby canal to a flooded tunnel location, as marked in the screenshot below.
Swim forward, take the first left, and then make a right just before you reach a deadend, but it’s important to make sure you use the rebreather here when you take this right turn. The remaining section of tunnel will take you left and then right again, which directs you into a smaller passage that opens up to a ladder.
After heading up a second ladder, you’ll be inside the locked townhouse. This building has chests and lockers filled with gas masks, killstreaks, cash, and other value items. It will also usually have a gold M13B assault rifle blueprint, which is built with a full set of attachments. This weapon seems more common in DMZ, and you might not see it in your match of battle royale. Only one person needs to take the secret path, and then they can unlock the stuck door for any remaining teammates to gain entrance.
Season 4 made major changes to health in both battle royale and DMZ, so you’ll want to make sure you’re geared up with the best loadouts. Here we recommend a variety of loadouts to try in Warzone Season 4.