Ahead of Call of Duty’s Season 5 Reloaded update, Activision has released the patch notes for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone. Season 5 Reloaded includes new maps, more DLC weapons, a new camo event, and more. Players can also expect major weapon balancing for multiplayer and Warzone, as well as a major POI change for Al Mazrah.
In addition to the new content announced for Season 5 Reloaded, which includes the DRC Zone 1 multiplayer map, another Warzone Resurgence map, and the 21 Savage operator bundle, the patch notes detail plenty of weapon tuning. Several weapons received buffs to damage range, including the ISO 45 submachine gun, Tempus Razorback assault rifle, and the FR Avancer assault rifle, but these changes are only applied to Modern Warfare 2.
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On the Warzone side, the Chimera assault rifle received a significant buff with an increase to close damage, far damage, the head damage multiplier, and lower torso damage multiplier. The popular ISO Hemlock assault rifle was nerfed with decreases to both close-mid damage range and mid-damage range.
The landscape of Warzone’s Al Mazrah map has also been changed. Following the bombing event of Shadow Siege, Zaya Observatory has been destroyed on the map. The observatory ruins can be explored.
On the DMZ side, new missions are provided for the Shadow Company faction. The drop rates were also increased for chemical mission items in Koschei Complex and Building 21, and the UI was adjusted to better indicate the location of safes.
The update also implements Call of Duty’s new social features. One feature brings Warzone’s “Play Again” option to multiplayer, which allows solo players or party hosts to choose to stick together with the same teammates for the next match. The other social feature is called Friend Recommender, which is a new, dynamic system that suggests new friends to play with.
For global bug fixes, the update corrects an issue that previously caused meleeing with a throwing knife equipped to down fully armored players in one hit. It also fixed an issue that could cause players to spawn in without a weapon equipped. Additionally, the patch notes detail a fix for an issue where incendiary ammunition did not properly unlock by leveling the Cronen Squall to level 19.
For the full list of weapon balancing and changes, you can find the full patch notes below, as shared by Activision.
Modern Warfare 2 will have one final season before the new game arrives. Make sure to check out all the major announcements for Modern Warfare 3, including the return of iconic maps, open-world Zombies mode, and more.
Call Of Duty's Most Overpowered Weapons Of All Time, RankedSee More
Weapon Balancing
» Handguns «
FTAC Siege Increased close-mid distance damage range | MWII only
» Submachine Guns «
Lachmann Sub Adjusted stats on FT Mobile Stock to increase mobilityPDSW 258 Minor adjustment to ironsights to better align with bullet trajectoryISO 45 Increased damage range | MWII onlyLachmann Sub Reduced close distance damage range | MWII only
» Assault Rifles «
FR Avancer Increased damage range | MWII onlyReduced hip spreadTempus Razorback Increased damage range | MWII onlyM16 Increased close-mid distance damage range | MWII onlyKastov 74u Reduced damage range | MWII onlyISO Hemlock Reduced mid-far distance damage range | MWII only
» Battle Rifles «
TAQ-V Increased damage range | MWII onlyCronen Squall Increased damage range | MWII onlySO-14 Increased damage range | MWII onlyLachman 762 Increased damage range | MWII only
» Shotguns «
Lockwood 300 Reduced mid distance damage range | MWII onlySlugs and HE slugs attachments: Increased damage range | MWII onlyIncreased long range damage amount | MWII onlyBryson 890 Slightly reduced damage range | MWII onlySlugs and HE slugs attachments: Increased damage range | MWII onlyBryson 800 Slightly reduced mid-distance damage range | MWII onlySlugs and HE slugs: Increased damage range | MWII onlyIncreased long range damage amount | MWII only
» Marksman Rifles «
SA-B 50 Increased ADS speedIncreased ADS movement speedIncreased damage range | MWII onlyLockwood MK2 Increased ADS speedIncreased ADS movement speedSP-R 208 Increased long-distance damage range | MWII onlyEBR 14 Reduced damage range | MWII only
» Light Machine Guns «
HCR 56 Increased mid distance damage range | MWII onlyRapp H Increased mid distance damage range | MWII only
» Sniper Rifles «
Carrack .300 Increased close range damage | MWII onlyIncreased upper arm location damage | MWII onlyIncreased long distance damage range | MWII onlyIncreased ADS to hip transition speedIncreased hip movement speedIncreased sprint speedFJX Imperium Increased ADS speedIncreased ADS movement speedSmall reduction to hip spreadSignal 50 Reduced close distance damage range | MWII onlySP-X 80 Reduced damage range | MWII only
» Assault Rifles «
Chimera | WZ Only Close damage increasedFar damage increasedHead damage multiplier increasedLower torso damage multiplier increasedFR Avancer | WZ Only Close damage increasedFar damage increasedISO Hemlock | WZ Only Close-mid damage range decreasedMid damage range decreasedLachmann-556 | WZ Only Head damage multiplier increasedNeck damage multiplier increasedUpper torso damage multiplier increasedM13B | WZ Only All location damage multipliers increasedM13C | WZ Only Close damage increasedMid damage increasedAll location damage multipliers increasedM4 | WZ Only Close damage range increasedClose-mid damage range increasedSTB 556 | WZ Only Head damage multiplier increasedTempus Razorback | WZ Only Close damage range increasedClose-mid damage range increased
» Battle Rifles «
Cronen Squall | WZ Only Head damage multiplier decreasedNeck damage multiplier decreasedUpper torso damage multiplier decreasedLower torso damage multiplier decreasedLimb damage multipliers decreased
» Launchers «
All Launchers have had their damage against Players decreased | WZ Only
» Light Machine Guns «
RPK | WZ Only Close-mid damage decreasedClose damage range decreasedHeadshot damage multiplier increasedSakin MG38 | WZ Only Neck damage multiplier decreasedUpper torso damage multiplier decreasedLimb damage multipliers decreased
» Marksman Rifles «
Lockwood MK2 | WZ Only All location damage multipliers increased
» Shotguns «
Bryson 800 | WZ Only Lower limb damage multipliers increasedBryson 890 | WZ Only Lower limb damage multipliers increased
» Submachine Guns «
BAS-P | WZ Only Neck damage multipliers increasedUpper torso damage multipliers increasedLower torso damage multipliers increasedLimb damage multipliers increasedFennec 45 | WZ Only Neck damage multiplier increasedUpper torso damage multiplier increasedVEL 46 | WZ Only Limb damage multipliers increased
In Season 05 Reloaded, we’ve introduced the same occlusion system that Core 6v6 Maps use for all Warzone Maps. Players should notice improved occlusion performance in those Maps.
“Play Again” in Multiplayer
After each match, all Players – or, specifically, solo Players and designated Party Leaders – on the same team can opt to stick together for the next match.
Friend Recommender
Built for those looking to find new squadmates, Friend Recommender works in two ways: Suggesting Friends of Friends, a helpful feature for the whole squad to get connected with one another.A new, dynamic system that suggests new friends to play with.
Players are no longer able to activate killstreaks from driver or turret position of certain vehicles
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where meleeing with a Throwing Knife equipped could down fully armored players in one hitFixed an issue that could cause Players to spawn in without a weapon equippedFixed an issue where GS Magna platinum challenges were not contributing to the polyatomic unlock progressFixed an issue where Bipods were floating when mountedFixed an issue where Players were prompted to Rejoin a match after being eliminated and disconnectingFixed an issue where focused sniper kills wouldn’t track under some conditionsFixed an issue where the Platinum Challenge for the GS Magna would not count towards the Polyatomic Challenges unlock requirementFixed an issue where the Platinum Challenge camo category does not track the completion of the Gold Camo Challenge for the CrossbowFixed an issue where incendiary ammunition does not unlock by leveling the Cronen Squall to Level 19Fixed an issue where the Firing Range is not accessible through the Gunsmith menu when the Player is in a Raid or Private MatchFixed an issue where the challenge for the Akimbo FTAC Siege attachment does not show progressFixed an issue where the Soul Sever death effect would not occur when equipped to the ISO HemlockFixed an issue where ascenders were sometimes missing soundsFixed an issue where bullet sounds weren’t playing on water impactsFixed an issue where hostage pickup sounds were sometimes doubled
New Map
DRC — Zone 1 (Core 6v6)
The Visitor Center adjacent to Building 21 will now welcome all kinds of combat. Focused on fast-paced combat and designed with several shortcuts and flanking routes, DRC — Zone 1 is built for frenetic action.
New Modes
Gunfight Snipers
Leave the Secondaries, Lethals, and Tacticals at home — Gunfight Snipers is for the sharpshooting duos who believe themselves to be masters of Sniper and Marksman Rifles.
4v4 Faceoff
Expanded by one Player per team, 4v4 Faceoff is for those seeking the fast-action gameplay of small-team cage matches, the ultimate compliment to Gunfight is back! Use your own Loadouts, forget Killstreaks, and play modes like Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed on all the Modern Warfare II Gunfight maps.
Fixed an issue in Bounty where the HVT objective icons would not clear properly if a Player disconnected while being the HVTFixed an issue in Knock Out where the announcer would state that the match timer had elapsed when there was still time on the clockFixed an issue in Prisoner Rescue where the hostage would be stuck T-posing if the carrier was killed in an invalid drop locationFixed an issue where a placeholder was present after the Player was killed by APC cannon fire in Big Capture the FlagFixed an issue that allowed Field Upgrades and Killstreaks to be used on 2v2 Maps across all game modesFixed an issue that allow Field Upgrades to be used in Havoc Private MatchesFixed various collision issues across a number of Multiplayer mapsFixed a number of floating assets across a number of Multiplayer mapsAdded miscellaneous audio fixes across a number of Multiplayer maps
Season 05 Reminders
MWII Ranked Play Rewards are eligible for Modern Warfare III Carry Forward. Learn more about Modern Warfare III Carry Forward at the Call of Duty Blog.Season 05 Win RewardsThroughout the Season 05, Players can earn the following rewards: 5 Wins: ‘Season 05 Competitor’ Weapon Sticker10 Wins: Pro Re-Issue TAQ-56 Weapon Blueprint25 Wins: ‘Big Brain Plays’ Weapon Charm50 Wins: ‘Heating Up’ Large Weapon Decal75 Wins: ‘MWII Ranked Play Season 05’ Loading Screen100 Wins: ‘MWII Season 05 Ranked Veteran’ Weapon CamoEnd of Season Division RewardsAt the end of each Season, Players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season.Skill Division Skins:Earn a Skill Division Skin for use with both CDL Male & Female Operators on both Factions to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked they can be permanently used in following Seasons and anywhere you play:Top 250: Unlock the ‘Top 250 Competitor’ Skin by finishing a Season in the Top 250 Skill Division. Players must be in the Division at the end of the Season to qualify for this reward.Gold – Iridescent: Earn the applicable ‘Gold Competitor’, ‘Platinum Competitor’, ‘Diamond Competitor’, ‘Crimson Competitor’, or ‘Iridescent Competitor’ Skin based on your highest Skill Division reached over the course of the Season.Seasonal Division RewardsEach Ranked Play Season features a unique set of Division Rewards awarded at the end of the Season to celebrate the Player’s highest Skill Division reached that Season.Rewards Update Starting in Season 05, players will continue to earn Emblems associated with their highest attained Division. Those who climb into Gold and above will obtain a new reward each season where we previously offered a Weapon Charm. For Season 05, we’re kicking off this new reward rotation with Season Division Camos.The Season 05 rewards are as follows:Top 250: ‘Season 05 Top 250’ Animated Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling Card Players must be in the Top 250 Division at the end of the Season to qualify for these rewards.Iridescent: ‘Season 05 Iridescent’ Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling CardCrimson: ‘Season 05 Crimson’ Weapon Camo and EmblemDiamond: ‘Season 05 Diamond’ Weapon Camo and EmblemPlatinum: ‘Season 05 Platinum’ Weapon Camo and EmblemGold: ‘Season 05 Gold’ Weapon Camo and EmblemSilver: EmblemBronze: EmblemRanked Play First Place: The Player who finishes Season 05 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive a unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for the ultimate bragging rights.
Following the catastrophic events of Shadow Siege in Al Mazrah, Zaya Observatory has been destroyed.
For regular updates about the Playlist and other Scheduled Events, check out the dedicated Warzone Trello Board.
Armored RoyaleMaking its return, a new version of Armored Royale will be available for Quads during Season 05 Reloaded.Every Squad is assigned to a powerful MRAP vehicle, which serves as their lifeline by enabling redeployment.Squads can also upgrade their MRAP for better offensive or defensive capabilities via Upgrade Station on the vehicle itself.Gas Stations are used to repair and refuel their MRAP often.Al Bagra Fortress ResurgencePlayers will now experience Resurgence within the boundaries of the Al Bagra Fortress point of interest in Al Mazrah and the immediate surroundings.Fort Resurgence will have its own playlist at launch, separate to the Resurgence rotation that contains Ashika Island and Vondel.Unhinged SolosFrom fragile alliances to grand betrayals, break the squad limit boundaries by using Assimilation to grow your squad up to 6 players! Squad Size: SolosMax Players: 100Assimilation: Up to 6 Players Per Squad
Adjusted audio mix for parachutes, including increasing the volume of incoming enemy parachutes.Killing a Player while performing a trick on the Dirt Bike will now reward combo points. 😉
Matchmaking Improvements
Reduced the time it takes for Warzone Ranked Play matches to start once players are in the Pre-Game Lobby. Players should find it quicker to Deploy in Ranked Play matches moving forward.
Match Ruleset Updates
Restricted Weapons and Equipment Weapons RPG-7Strela-P
Season 05 Reminders
Final Placement SR was increased at the beginning of Season 05. SR (Skill Rating) & Divisions Final Placement SR SR earned for Placement Milestones has been increased. Updated Placement SR: Top 40: 15 (Up from 10)Top 30: 30 (Up from 20)Top 20: 45 (Up from 30)Top 10: 60 (Up from 40)Top 5: 80 (Up from 50)Top 3: 100 (Up from 60)Top 2: 125 (Up from 80)Victory: 150 (Up from 100)Warzone Ranked Play Rewards are eligible for Modern Warfare III Carry Forward. Learn more about Modern Warfare III Carry Forward at the Call of Duty Blog.Season 05 Challenge RewardsThroughout the Season 05, Players can earn the following rewards: Placement Challenges Finish ‘Top 15’ 50 Times: ‘Popped Off’ Large DecalFinish ‘Top 5’ 25 Times: Pro Issue ISO Hemlock Weapon BlueprintFinish 1st Place: ‘Straight Dubs’ Weapon CharmKill & Assist Challenges Get 25 Kills or Assists: ‘WZ Season 05 Competitor’ StickerGet 250 Kills or Assists: ‘WZ Ranked Play Season 05’ Loading ScreenGet 1000 Kills or Assists: ‘WZ Season 05 Ranked Veteran’ CamoEnd of Season Division RewardsAt the end of each Season, Players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season.Rewards Update Starting in Season 05, players will continue to earn Emblems associated with their highest attained Division. Those who climb into Gold and above will obtain a new reward each season where we previously offered a Weapon Charm. For Season 05, we’re kicking off this new reward rotation with Season Division Camos.Seasonal Division RewardsEach Ranked Play Season will have a unique set of Division Rewards awarded at the end of the Season to celebrate the Player’s highest Skill Division reached that Season.The Season 05 rewards are as follows: Top 250: ‘WZ Season 05 Top 250’ Animated Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling Card Players must be in the Top 250 Division at the end of the Season to qualify for these rewards.Iridescent: ‘WZ Season 05 Iridescent’ Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling CardCrimson: ‘WZ Season 05 Crimson’ Weapon Camo and EmblemDiamond: ‘WZ Season 05 Diamond’ Weapon Camo and EmblemPlatinum: ‘WZ Season 05 Platinum’ Weapon Camo and EmblemGold: ‘WZ Season 05 Gold’ Weapon Camo and EmblemSilver: EmblemBronze: EmblemRanked Play First Place: The Player who finishes Season 05 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive a unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for the ultimate bragging rights.
Fixed an issue causing the amount of Ammunition picked up to display incorrectly.Fixed an issue causing the Most Wanted contract UI widget to remain active after the target was eliminated.Fixed an issue allowing the Most Wanted target’s team to receive the reward if the contract was completed.Fixed an issue preventing some Players from using the Deployable Buy Station.Fixed an issue preventing Players from leaving the match during Exfil after finishing in 2nd place.Fixed an issue causing the Mortar Strike icon to appear on the Tac Map incorrectly.Fixed an issue allowing Players to capture a UAV Tower while inside a vehicle.Fixed an issue showing incorrect Vehicle icons on the killfeed.
New Missions
Shadow Company Faction Mission tiers 3, 4, and 5 are now available.
Although it was mentioned in the Season 05 Reloaded Announcement Blog, the Host Leave Party feature will not be introduced in Season 05 Reloaded.
Increased drop rates for chemical items in Koschei Complex and Building 21Adjusted the UI when revealing safes to better indicate the locationGrab a Secure Backpack and explore the ruins of Zaya Observatory if you dare… a new Barter item is available at the closest Buy Station
Missions that require Players to acquire a weapon or extract a specific weapon will now count progress when you acquire or extract a Blueprint (i.e. “Disarming Presence”)Fixed an exploit with the Gas Mask that would allow durability to be resetFixed an issue where a Player couldn’t Plea for Help as a solo after being interrogatedFixed an exploit that allow weapon duplication with Dead DropsFixed an issue where the “Quid Pro Quo” mission was not working when the Vondel Castle was not an Active Combat ZoneFixed a number of issues with upgrades not correctly unlocking the later upgrades in their FOB progressionFixed a number of issues in mission descriptionsFixed a number of issues with some vehicle turrets not counting for missions that require killing from a vehicleFixed a number of issues with missions requiring Players to extract with a full Backpack not working if the Player equips a Scavenger BackpackFixed an issue where the “Ready to Rock” mission was not correctly tracking 3-plate carrier variantsFixed an issue where Players could enter vehicles while planting or defusing charges at a supply siteFixed a number of issues where caches for the Secure Supplies contract could end up in strongholdsFixed an issue where the objective icon would disappear when a new Player assimilates into your team during Secure Intel contractsFixed a number of issues with missions that require the Player to kill enemies in radiation not correctly racking in Koschei Complex radiationFixed an issue where Self-Revive kits could persist after deathFixed several issues preventing certain daily Urgent Missions from progressingFixed an issue where taking a Self-Revive from a Self-Revive Box wasn’t counting towards mission progressFixed an issue where certain notes with monetary value wouldn’t be unlocked when extractedFixed an issue where Players who were not solo were incorrectly being given a Self-Revive from the solo Self-Revive BoxFixed an issue where sometimes upgrade progress wasn’t shown until the game is resetFixed an issue where killing friendly Shadow Company members counted as killing an enemyFixed an issue where cash values were being modified incorrectly after a Plea for Help reviveFixed an issue where the “Extract Weapons Case” Urgent Mission was not always counting correctlyFixed an issue where the revive camera behaved inconsistently in waterFixed a number of issues that could result from being revived by your team as you swapped teamsFixed an issue causing missing drill sounds in Building 21