CoD: Warzone and Vanguard Season 3 Roadmap Details Godzilla Event

Activision has revealed the Call of Duty Season 3 roadmap for both Vanguard and Warzone, which includes the Operation Monarch event centered around Godzilla and King Kong. Season 3 will arrive on April 27 packed with new operators, weapons, new battle pass, and more.

Operation Monarch begins May 11, bringing Godzilla and King Kong to battle head-to-head on Warzone’s Caldera island. While the event is still a ways away, Activision teases map changes and secrets to uncover on Caldera in preparation for the arrival of these Hollywood titans. Additionally, there will be a new Gulag location for Season 3.

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Now Playing: COD: Vanguard & Warzone – Season Three ‘Classified Arms’ Cinematic Trailer

Season 3 Classified Arms will also introduce a new set of operators to Vanguard and Warzone with Task Force Harpy. And as always, Season 3’s battle pass will include 100 tiers of new content, with two new DLC weapons in the free tiers.

Season 3 of Vanguard will add new multiplayer maps. Mayhem will be a small map available at launch, while Sphere is another small-size map coming later in the season. Another major addition to multiplayer is the Trophy System equipment coming to Vanguard as a new Field Upgrade, which will allow players to help avoid death by Vanguard’s wealth of lethal and tactical equipment. The Trophy System will intercept equipment, such as frag grenades, sticky bombs, and stun grenades while they are still in the air.

On the Zombies side, players can expect more seasonal challenges and DLC weapon unlock challenges to arrive to with Season 3. Unfortunately, a new map won’t be available in Zombies until sometime in Season 4, as Treyarch recently announced a standard map would arrive after Season 3.

Season 3 Classified Arms will be available following updates to both games. The Vanguard update will go live on April 26 at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET, and one for Warzone on April 27 at the same time. Here is a breakdown of everything confirmed for Season 3 of Vanguard and Warzone. Vanguard Season 2 recently added the new Ice Axe melee weapon, which can be unlocked with an in-game challenge.

About S.E. Doster

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