Call of Duty: Warzone’s Rebirth Island continues to evolve, and now the Rebirth Reinforced event has unlocked the map’s three Golden Vaults, but you’ll need to complete a few Easter egg steps to complete it. Here we’ll guide you through locating the vaults, and everything you need to know to make use of these in your next match on Rebirth Island.
Golden Vaults
As a community, players were challenged to collect $40 trillion in cash within Rebirth Island’s Rebirth Blood Money Quads playlist. Completing this challenge awarded participants with 100,000 XP and unlocked the Golden Vault Easter egg.
How to complete the Golden Vault Easter egg
To complete the Easter egg for any of the vaults, you’ll need to first visit the map’s prison block. There are six remotes that must be found inside the prison in various prison cells on both the top and bottom levels.
You must find and activate all six to trigger a red phone to ring on the second story of the prison block. This phone will give you the code needed to open a golden vault.
The code to unlock the vaults is different for every match, so you’ll need to complete these steps each time you want to unlock a vault.
Inside the vaults players will find high-tier loot, such as legendary weapons, armor, and killstreaks.
Where to locate the Golden Vaults
There are three Golden Vaults on Rebirth Island. Here is how you can locate each one.
Near Bioweapons Lab and Docks
This vault is found below the shack between the Dock and Bioweapons Lab POIs, which is on the northwest coast of Rebirth Island. The area is labeled as the Decontamination Zone.
Below Nova 6 Factory
This bunker is found in the underground area of the Nova 6 Factory. It is recessed in the wall just between the bottom of the two sets of stairs leading down to the factory’s basement level.
Near Stronghold and Living Quarters
Built into the rocky cliffside between the Stronghold and Living Quarters POIs. This one is hard to miss, but it’s found under the stairs leading up to Living Quarters.
The Golden Vault challenge was the last of the weekly challenges, but the Rebirth Reinforced event will continue until April 14. Season 2 Reloaded also added new features to Rebirth Island, and here is everything you need to know about the Weapon Trade Stations and Communication Towers. If you’re looking for the best weapons to use, here is our guide for recommended loadouts in Season 2 Reloaded.