CoD: Warzone Likely Still Has One More Surprise Before Black Ops Cold War Ends

Call of Duty Season 6 is live and set to wrap up Black Ops Cold War‘s post-launch content, but with just mere weeks until Call of Duty: Vanguard‘s release, Warzone seems to be holding on to at least one last secret.

Warzone’s Season 6 update revolved around the ongoing Black Ops Cold War storyline between Stitch and Adler. Verdansk’s mysterious shipping container structures were revealed to be part of Stitch’s drilling operation. It’s still uncertain what the endgame was for Stitch’s initial plan, but Adler set off several underground explosions to stop the drilling operation. Detonating these seismic charges also created major map changes, as buildings toppled to destroy parts of the Stadium area and led to an almost complete destruction of Downtown Verdansk.

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The explosions created by Alder destroyed almost all of the drilling points, but Stitch’s explosives expert, Fuze, did manage to defuse three of Adler’s devices. The three successful drilling operations by Stitch then unearthed World War II-era bunkers, which players can currently explore within their matches. One bunker is located near Radar Array and Bloc 15, another north of the Airport Maintenance area, and the third is just north of the silos at the Boneyard.

Currently, the bunkers just seem to be underground loot hauls, with the normal array of loot crates, equipment, and cash piles. No one seems to have uncovered any Easter eggs tied to these new bunkers. It’s likely that whatever was teased for these secretive World War II bunkers is being saved for the mid-season update, which will hopefully explain exactly what Stitch was trying to get his hands on in those bunkers, and why stopping him was so crucial that Adler felt compelled to blow up chunks of Verdansk.

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Activision’s Season 6 blog post describes these new locations as old German war bunkers that have been barricaded off since the war’s end. It also explains that Adler discovered the bunkers contained relics from a bygone era. So, what kind of relics could be hiding in the World War II bunkers?

It’s all speculation, but the mention of relics give strong Zombies storyline vibes, so it’s possible this will lead into the details for Vanguard’s Zombies mode. A mythical relic from World War II would tie in nicely with Treyarch lead writer Craig Houston’s tease from the Season 6 Studio Broadcast that Vanguard’s continuation of the Dark Aether story would delve more into occult experiments, which players should learn more about with the worldwide reveal of Vanguard’s Zombies mode on October 14.

Whether it’s tied to Zombies or not, these bunkers are still expected to have an Easter egg at some point, which was also previously teased in the Season 6 Studio Broadcast by Raven Software’s creative director Amos Hodge. Likely, this upcoming Easter egg will be activated with either the upcoming Haunting event or around the time of the Season 6 mid-season update. Call of Duty: Vanguard also launches on November 5, which based on the days left in the current battle pass, should coincide with the Season 6 mid-season update.

Additionally, Activision released a story trailer for Call of Duty: Vanguard, introducing the game’s new cast of operators and some campaign details.

Call of Duty: Vanguard will launch as Activision Blizzard faces a lawsuit from the state of California over alleged harassment and discrimination against women.

About S.E. Doster

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