Call of Duty Season 4 is now live in Warzone, and there’s a limited-time Mercenaries of Fortune event to help celebrate the new season of content. Here we break down all the details and the rewards you can earn for participating.
Mercenaries of Fortune event start time and details
Warzone’s Mercenaries of Fortune event is live for a limited time, as the seasonal event will run until July 7. During this time players can complete a set of eight challenges across Fortune’s Keep and Caldera. Each challenge will lock a cosmetic item, but completing all eight will unlock a special Warzone vehicle skin.
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Now Playing: COD Vanguard & Warzone – Season Four 'Mercenaries of Fortune' Launch Trailer
All challenges and rewards
Cutthroat: Get 50 player kills on Fortune’s Keep. Rewards the False Prospector weapon camoMinted: Open a Mercenary vault. Rewards the Fanged Assault emblemRoadtrip: Get 25 kills or assists while in a vehicle. Rewards the Nugget weapon charmGilded Victor: Win 1 game of Golden Plunder. Rewards the Venomous Wealth calling cardStoring Bodies: Get 100 kills at Storage Town on Caldera Island. Rewards the Death Prospector camoMoneybags: Collect $100,000 cash on Fortune’s Keep. Rewards the Venomous Approval stickerPocket Sand: Dig up three buried treasure piles on Fortune’s Keep. Rewards the Nefarious Deeds weapon charmShopping Spree: Purchase five items from the Black Market. Rewards the Scaled Snipe reticle
Completing all eight challenges will unlock the ultra rare rarity “The Vault” golden vehicle skin for Season 4’s new armored SUV.
In addition to the new Fortune’s Keep map, Caldera also receives major landscape changes for the Fortune’s of Mercenaries update. Make sure to check out our guide for all updated and new POIs for Caldera in Season 4.
Vanguard’s Season 4 update included the USS Texas 1945 multiplayer map, and Shi No Numa brings traditional survival gameplay back to Zombies mode. Here’s our Shi No Numa perk guide and tips for surviving high rounds.
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