CoD: Warzone October 8 Patch Notes Fixes Menu Freezing, Iron Trials '84 Gets Changes

Call of Duty Season 6 arrived to Warzone on October 7, bringing a new battle pass of content and major map changes, but the October 8 patch notes bring fixes for the game’s frustrating issues, which include menu freezing and challenges that weren’t tracking. Players can also expect big changes for the new quad version of Warzone’s Iron Trials ’84 mode.

Developer Raven Software noted several menu freezing issues have been addressed in Warzone, but most notably is the operator menu lag that caused players to freeze when trying to view or select an operator. The update also corrected several challenges that weren’t tracking properly, including the “Moonshot” challenge and the unlock challenge for the Bladed Axe melee weapon.

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Changes have also been made to Warzone’s challenging Iron Trials ’84 mode. Previously, Iron Trials ’84 was played in a duos playlist, but Raven Software tweaked the mode for the new addition of quads. The Specialist Token has been removed from the Buy Station and can no longer be purchased, but now the token drops on death. Player health regeneration speed has been increased, and the medical syringe equipment now heals 25% faster. Tac Rover vehicles have also been added to the mode. All of the changes in the patch notes are exclusive to the quads version of Iron Trials ’84.

Additionally, Modern Warfare’s RAAL MG light machine gun is back. The weapon briefly disappeared with Season 6’s arrival, but the new update properly adds the gun back to Warzone’s arsenal.

The complete patch notes for October 8 can be found below, as shared by Raven Software.

In other Warzone news, Scream’s Ghostface has been confirmed as an operator skin for the Haunting seasonal event. Vanguard weapons have also started appearing in the menus, but the weapons remain locked.

All of this Call of Duty content continues as Activision Blizzard faces a lawsuit from the state of California over alleged harassment and discrimination against women.

Iron Trials ’84


The following changes are exclusive to the Quads version of the Iron Trials ‘84 mode.

Buy StationSpecialist Token has been removed.EquipmentMedical Syringe now heals 25% faster.GulagLoadouts have been updated.Loadout primary Weapon Attachments increased from 2 to 3.LootSpecialist Token now drops on death.Classified Weapons have been updated.Foresight has been added as an exceedingly rare drop.PlayerBase health regen speed has been increased.VehiclesTac Rovers have been enabled.WeaponsSniper Rifle headshot down distance increased to 50 meters.Sniper Rifle headshot damage beyond 50 meters has been increased from 300 to 325.

Be sure to hydrate and good luck!

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue causing some menus – notably the Operator Menu – to freeze when attempting to navigate them.Fixed an issue causing several Store Bundles splash screens to show white placeholder images.Fixed an issue causing the “Moonshot” Challenge to not track properly.Fixed an issue causing the “Quick on the Draw” Challenge to not track properly.Fixed an issue causing the rarity of several rewards in the Season Six Battle Pass to not match the BOCW version.Fixed an issue causing the Unlock Challenge for the Battle Axe (BOCW) to not track properly.Fixed an issue causing Weaver’s “Disciple of Mayhem” Bundle Challenges to not track properly.Fixed several issues causing incorrect Calling Cards to appear when equipping certain ones.And the RAAL MG (MW) is back! Oops. 😬

About S.E. Doster

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