A new update arrived to Call of Duty: Warzone on April 19, which brings Snoop Dogg to the game as a playable operator, but the patch notes also include a few bug fixes and changes to Warzone’s public and guaranteed events.
According to Raven Software’s patch notes, updates have been made to further mold Warzone’s current battle royale experience to be more of a mashup between standard battle royale and Season 1’s Vanguard Royale mode. This update adds some of Vanguard Royale’s public events into the standard mode, including Restock, Cash Drops, Heavy Weapon Drops, and Resurgence events.
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In addition to these new public events, Vanguard Royale’s guaranteed events have also been added in. Guaranteed infil events will include Heavy Weapon Crates and Plunder Crates, while fourth circle guaranteed events will be Restock and Fire Sale. Raven Software says the added events will help players restock their inventory and give improved looting opportunities in the mid-to-late game portion of each match.
Loadout Drops have also changed a bit. The patch notes reveal the first free Loadout Drop now occurs earlier, while the second free drop remains curing the mode’s fifth circle. On the smaller side of the update, several bug fixes were made to patch exploits that allowed players to shoot or peek through them, as well as an exploit that allowed players to clip through the Golden Bunker doors on Rebirth Island.
The full patch notes can be found below, as shared by Raven Software.
Call of Duty Season 3 is just around the corner, and Activision is heavily teasing Warzone’s upcoming season to be themed around monsters of epic proportions, including teases that suggest Caldera will be invaded by Godzilla.
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Battle Royale Adjustments
At the start of Season Two Reloaded, we talked about our intent to merge the core and Vanguard Royale experiences into a single, coherent Mode. We’ve now arrived at the final step of the merger, with Vanguard Royale Public Events joining the core BR event pool.
Public EventsAdded: RestockCash DropsHeavy Weapon DropsResurgenceLoadout Drop Events:First free Loadout Drop now occurs earlier This change should make for better parity in the power curve. Second free Loadout Drop remains in the 5th CircleGuaranteed Events: Infil: Heavy Weapon CratePlunder CrateBeing incentivised to landing in different locations due to Legendary loot appearing in the early game is a good opportunity for POI rotation. 4th Circle: RestockFire SaleHaving mid-game events help players restock their inventory and give players improved looting opportunities in the mid-to-late game, especially if returning from the Gulag.
As a reminder, here are some of the other changes that were implemented to core BR over the previous weeks:
Gameplay Default core health is now at 150 (up from 100)Loot Dead Silence will remain as Legendary ground lootContracts “Big Game Bounty”“Top Secret”“Supply Drop”
We’re excited to see this initiative come to fruition and look forward to monitoring your continued feedback. Time to drop in!
Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.Fixed an issue where the Restock and Quick Fix Perk descriptions did not match their current functionality.Fixed an issue where some Keyboard and Mouse button prompts could be seen when using a Gamepad.Fixed an issue where the button prompt when receiving a Playlist Update would incorrectly say “Exit” instead of “Restart Now”Fixed an issue where Players could not invite other Players to join their party from the “Invite From Social” menu.Fixed an issue where “The Wall” Blueprint would disappear in-game before Players could receive it.Fixed an issue allowing Players to clip through Golden Bunker doors.Fixed an issue causing Combat Shield Blueprints to not appear correctly when equipped in a Loadout.