Control Passes 10 Million Players, Remedy Details Numerous New Projects

Remedy Entertainment has celebrated a big milestone for its latest IP, Control, with the action game having officially reached 10 million players. This has emboldened Remedy to push on with Control, with a new big budget entry already being planned.

Being a new IP, 10 million players is a welcome figure for Remedy Entertainment. As pointed out in the briefing, this does not necessarily mean that Control sold 10 million copies, however. The game was offered for free on the Epic Games store a few months ago, while the Control: Ultimate Edition launched on PS Plus when it arrived on PS5 in February. The regular version of Control is also part of Xbox Game Pass, which Microsoft said had over 23 million subscribers at the end of April 2021.

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The news was part of the studio’s latest investor briefing, which vaguely outlined some of the new projects the developer is tackling now. Some of these have already been announced, such as the cooperative multiplayer game set in the same universe as Control, as well as a higher-budget entry in the series following the same structure as the first game.

Remedy is also now moving into full production with its new AAA title in collaboration with Epic Games. This follows on from work wrapping up on CrossfireX and its story mode, which Remedy says will release later this year. The briefing also mentions another, smaller title that is currently in production, as well as the studio’s free-to-play title Vanguard, which is mentioned as still being in active development.

It’s clear that Remedy is betting big on the future of Control, which it has already said is connected to previous works such as Alan Wake. The game was even tied into Control’s final expansion, titled AWE.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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