Controversial Mod Fallout: The Frontier Returns With Some Content Removed

The Fallout: New Vegas mod The Frontier was in development for a long time, but it was only up for less than two weeks before concerns about its inappropriate content resulted in its development team temporarily removing it from Nexus Mods. Now, the mod has returned, but some elements of it are missing due to the controversy.

A new post from project lead “tgspy” explains the situation thusly: the mod was taken down due to a team member posting “inappropriate content involving anthropomorphic minors” on their personal art page, as well as the negative feedback to some of the mod’s more questionable elements, such as the ability to have sex with lizard-people. Some of those elements have been removed from the mod, including the ability to make one of the characters your “slave.”

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Now Playing: Fallout New Vegas: The Frontier – Official Mod Release Trailer

If the lizard people were the main draw for you, do not fear: though they are “locked” in the current build, the team will soon add a file that will allow you to experience them first hand if you so desire. The team has also removed several characters’ worth of voice acting, since the contributors involved no longer wanted to be associated with the mod. Those characters will be re-voiced in the future. Though it was previously stated that this new version would be the final build of The Frontier, it now seems that the project will be released on Steam at some point in the future.

About Steven T. Wright

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