Counter-Strike: GO And Other Steam Games Were Temporarily Removed, And Nobody Knows Why

Dozens of games, DLC packs, and other items were temporarily removed from the Steam storefront on Tuesday before being restored two hours later. As first spotted by Twitter users like Gabe Follower and subsequently reported by VGC, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was the biggest name to be affected, prompting speculation on social media.

However, if you scroll down on Steam Database’s app history, you can see a wave of content being removed on March 9, starting with Paws and Claws: Pet Vet and ending with the film American Gods. The individual Steam Database entry for CS:GO shows how its description, screenshots, and trailers were removed from the storefront, only to be restored two hours later.

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At this time, it’s not clear why these particular items were affected by this apparent bug. Steam Database founder Pavel Djundik said on Twitter that it could be related to region locks for certain titles, since most of the items had locks based on geographic region. That said, that’s basically just speculation at this point, and there’s a chance we’ll never know why this happened. Given that CS:GO is one of the most popular games on Steam, however, it’s certainly a notable glitch. We’re reached out to Valve for comment, and we’ll update this story if we hear back.

About Steven T. Wright

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