Cozy Train Puzzler Railbound Is Getting More Free Content This Year

Adorable puzzle train game Railbound is already available on both Android and iOS, featuring more than 100 different navigation puzzles at launch, but it’s getting even bigger later this year. During GameSpot’s Swipe showcase, developer Afterburn revealed lots of new content will be coming to the game.

Alongside more puzzles and worlds to build train tracks on, Railbound will also be getting a new mechanic called “semaphores.” For those unfamiliar with how these work in the real world, semaphores signal to train drivers prior to them reaching a point on the track, and in Railbound, they’re used to delay carriages for a longer time. In the video, we see a carriage taking a loop around a small section of the track as another carriage waits just ahead of this point.

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Now Playing: Railbound – Mobile Gameplay Trailer

There’s no set date for when Railbound will receive these updates, though they are planned for this year and will be free. Prior to Railbound, Afterburn also released the games Inbento and Golf Peaks. Despite the real-world implications of a train derailing, Railbound isn’t designed to be stressful. In fact, Afterburn specializes in relaxing games, and it’s pretty hard to get stressed when there are cute little dogs everywhere–though we don’t recommend letting one design a train track or drive an actual train.

About Gabe Gurwin

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