Apex Legends Season 19: Ignite is just around the corner, and although the new season is starting on Halloween, many players are feeling like Christmas came early after the announcement that cross-progression is finally being added to the game.
The announcement was made via the game’s launch trailer, and Respawn devs confirmed during previews earlier this week that the new feature would indeed debut alongside Season 19 when it goes live on October 31. But how exactly does it work?
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Devs explained during Season 19 previews that merging accounts would merge all cosmetics–so if you’ve got a Legendary-tier Wraith skin on your PC account and a Legendary-tier Revenant skin on your PlayStation account, you will soon be able to access both skins regardless of whether you’re playing on PC, PlayStation, or another platform.
When it comes to stats and stat trackers, Respawn developers told preview attendees that the “dominant” account–that is, the account with the highest stats (and possibly, the most total matches played)–would become the player’s main account. When merging accounts, all cosmetics from both accounts will be accessible on all platforms, but only stats from the dominant account will be displayed on the in-game stats page.
The same goes for stat trackers. If you’ve racked up 10,000 kills with Revenant on PC, and 1,500 kills with him on Xbox, when you merge your accounts, your Revenant kill count will still be 10,000, not the combined 11,500 kills from both account’s kill stats. Developers also confirmed there would be “absolutely no refunds” for any purchased event/store/battle pass cosmetics that players may have more than one of due to playing on multiple platforms. The same goes for Mythic-tier items like Heirloom Weapon Sets and Prestige Skin Sets–if you’ve got Revenant’s Apex Nightmare Prestige Skin unlocked on two separate accounts, you will not be receiving a set of Heirloom Shards once you merge your account. Still, most players seem to be more concerned with just having access to all of their cosmetics on all platforms, so those players will certainly be pleased with the way Respawn is implementing the new feature.
In the past, the topic of cross-progression has been a sore spot for some Apex players, in part due to conflicting communications from Respawn. Cross-progression seemed to always be just around the corner, but season after season passed without its arrival. The game’s playerbase would often go months–even up to a year–without receiving any updates on the feature’s impending addition. This led to complaints, confusion, and for a while, several dedicated Twitter accounts that existed for the sole purpose of commenting on every single one of Respawn’s Twitter posts inquiring about the status of cross-progression. It goes without saying that the news is likely to be well-received by Apex players, whether they’ve been waiting patiently or foaming at the mouth and desperately awaiting the feature’s implementation.
Cross-progression will be available as soon as Apex Legends Season 19: Ignite goes live on October 31 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET.
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