Smilegate has announced that its first-person shooter CrossfireX will have its servers shut down on May 18.
In a new blog post on the official website–via Wario64–the developer said, “It is with the deepest regret that we are informing you of our decision to end support for CrossfireX on May 18, 2023. Since the launch of the game, we have worked tirelessly to bring it to a point where we can all be proud, and throughout it all we have had the honor and pleasure of supporting our players.”
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“Coming to this decision was not easy, however, we can proudly say that our players have been amazingly active, passionate and enthusiastic in working with us to create a game that would be fun and enjoyable by all. We want to thank each and every one of our players for playing CrossfireX and being a part of this journey with us.”
The blog post then confirmed that effective immediately, all sales of the game on the Xbox Store will be halted and any purchases made within the last 14 days as of February 3 may be eligible for a refund. Smilegate states that there will also be no new content added to the game such as maps, modes, and camos.
CrossfireX is a live-service game that launched almost a year ago on February 10, 2022, for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. The news comes after it was recently reported that CrossfireX would be leaving Xbox Game Pass this month, along with a selection of other games.
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