Crytek Teases Crysis 4, Nearly A Decade After Its Last Entry

Crytek has teased a fourth entry in its first-person shooter series, Crysis, posting a short trailer on Twitter.

The teaser, which ends with a large “4” at the end of it and features lots of nanosuit-looking tech, was released a few moments after a Crytek China account shared the announcement of Crysis 4. The tweet, which has since been deleted, read, “The ‘Crysis 4’ project is confirmed, opening a new nano battlefield!”, in a translation, according to Eurogamer.

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Now Playing: Crysis Remastered Trilogy – Teaser Trailer

Although Crytek’s own teaser doesn’t specifically mention Crysis 4, a new post on the company’s website confirms the project, stating that development is still in “early stages”. The last entry in the series, Crysis 3, launch over a decade ago with EA as its publisher. Since then Crytek hasn’t released many other titles but did help remaster all three original Crysis games for PC and current-gen consoles last year.

The remasters show just how much Crysis evolved throughout its history, from the semi-open levels of the first game and its lush, island setting to the more curated and narrow corridors of its sequel set in New York. One thing that has remained constant is the series’ reputation for taxing hardware, making it a showpiece on powerful PCs.

This week has been filled with game announcements for projects that seem quite far away, with Blizzard announcing a new survival game set in a new universe and Titanfall developer Respawn revealing work-in-progress on three new Star Wars games.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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