Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Posts A Massive Profit For 2020

Thanks in part to the commercially successful launch of Cyberpunk 2077 back in December, CD Projekt Red had a massive year in 2020 when it comes to revenue and profit. Ahead of the company’s finalized earnings report on April 22, CD Projekt Red revealed how much money it made during its 2020 financial year–and it was a lot.

CD Projekt Red pulled in 2.139 billion PLN ($562.5 million) for revenue and 1.154 billion PLN ($303.5 million) in net profit. The company said these numbers have not been formally audited so the actual numbers, after auditing, might be different when they are published in the full earnings release on April 22.

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These results demonstrate how much of an impact Cyberpunk 2077 had on CD Projekt Red’s bottom line for the year. For comparison, CD Projekt Red made 521 million PLN for the entire year in 2019, with net profit reaching 175 million PLN. The 2020 numbers are factors larger.

It’s no surprise, either, as Cyberpunk 2077 sold 13 million copies right out of the gate to become one of the most successful RPG launches in history. The game had a troubling launch when it comes to bugs and other issues, however, and it was removed from sale on the PlayStation Store–in fact, it’s still gone.

In response, CD Projekt Red has pledged to continue to update and improve the game over time so it can continue to sell well for years into the future. CEO Adam Kicinski has said abandoning the game is not an option. A 1.2 patch with 500 fixes came out in March, with a new 1.21 update debuting more recently.

While the full picture isn’t clear at the moment, commentary from CDPR management has suggested that the planned standalone Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer game may no longer happen. Right now, CDPR is focused on fixing Cyberpunk 2077’s issues, and after that, the company plans to release the first of the game’s planned expansions.

About Eddie Makuch

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