Cyberpunk 2077 Free Trial Out Now On PlayStation 5 And Xbox Series X|S

As part of CD Projekt’s major news briefing about Cyberpunk 2077 today, the company launched a new free trial period for the game across both PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. The trial comes not just alongside the new versions of the game, but also the massive 1.5 update that offers big improvements to what was already there. It lets you play for up to five hours, and the trial itself is available for 30 days.

CD Projekt also confirmed that all progress from the trial will carry forward should you decide to pick up the game. During a livestream, a developer joked that some people will find a way to beat Cyberpunk 2077 within the five-hour limit, but that’s not representative of how most will play.

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Now Playing: CD Projekt RED Developer Livestream (Cyberpunk 2077)

Cyberpunk 2077 is marked down to $30 right now on Xbox and $25 on PlayStation, so anyone keen to pick up the game can do so at a nicely discounted rate.

The free trial will let players check out what’s in the 1.5 update, and there is a lot. The 1.5 update updates and adds to the perk tree, introduces the ability to change your character’s appearance whenever you want, makes driving feel better, and changes AI so they act more realistically. This is just a small sampling of the changes–read up on what else is new in GameSpot’s coverage.

Cyberpunk 2077 originally launched in December 2020. It had a shaky launch, and CD Projekt has since spent time updating and improving the game, culminating in this massive 1.5 patch and related improvements for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, which includes ray-tracing and 4K graphics.

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About Eddie Makuch

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