Cyberpunk 2077 Respec: The Best Perks Following The 1.5 Update

If you’re hopping back into Cyberpunk 2077 to give it a try after its latest patch, you may find that your weapons aren’t dealing as much damage, or that you can’t craft high-quality weapons and armor. That’s thanks to one of the many updates that came with the game’s 1.5 update, which removed some perks while others were revamped entirely. As a result, you’ve been refunded all your perk points and need to respec. Here are the best perks you can pick up in Cyberpunk 2077.

If you’re looking for more new content added in its latest update check out our guide on Cyberpunk 2077’s new apartments.

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Best Body perks

Athletics tree

Multitasker: Allows you to shoot while vaulting, sprinting, or sliding. Unlocked at level 11.

Annihilation tree

Heavy Load: Shotguns and Light Machine Guns knock back enemies with more force. Unlocked at level 12.

Street Brawler tree

Frenzy: Defeating an enemy increases damage with Blunt Weapons by 30% for five seconds. Unlocked at level 15.

Thrash: Strong attacks with blunt weapons reduce the target’s armor by 20% for seven seconds. Unlocked at level 15.

Best Reflexes perks

Assault tree

Executioner: Deal 25% more damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns to enemies whose health is above 50%. Unlocked at level 7.

Handguns tree

Attritional Fire: Firing consecutive shots with a Pistol or Revolver at the same target increases damage by 10%. Unlocked at level 14.

O.K. Corral: Deal 50% more damage with Pistols and Revolvers to enemies whose Health is below 25%.

Blades tree

Shifting Sands: Dodging while wielding a blade recovers 15% stamina. Unlocked at level 8.

Judge, Jury, And Executioner: Increases damage with Blades by 50% against enemies with max health. Unlocked at level 15.

Best Technical Ability perks

Crafting tree

Waste Not Want Not: When Disassembling an item, you get attached mods back. Unlocked at level 16.

Edgerunner Artisan: Lets you craft legendary items. Unlocked at level 18.

Engineering tree

Ubercharge: Fully charged Tech weapons deal 30% more damage. Unlocked at level 14.

Can’t Touch This: You become immune to your own grenades. Unlocked at level 16.

Best Intelligence perks

Breach Protocol tree

Mass Vulnerability: Quickhacks: Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, causing enemies in the network to also take 30% more damage from quickhacks. Unlocked at level 16.

Mass Vulnerability: Resistances: Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, reducing all resistances for enemies in the network by 30%. Unlocked at level 7.

Quickhacking tree

Forget-Me-Not: Eliminating a target affected by a quickhack instantly recovers 1 RAM unit. Unlocked at level 5.

Best Cool perks

Ninjutsu tree

Assassin: Deal 15% more damage to human enemies. Unlocked at level 7.

Venomous Fangs: All knives apply Poison. Unlocked at level 14.

Cold Blood tree

Coolagulant: Stacks of Cold Blood are removed one by one, not all at once. Unlocked at level 11.

Toegether, these perks create a balanced build, perfect for anyone who wants to experience a bit of everything that Cyberpunk 2077 has to offer. Paired with some other basic damage-increasing perks, you’ll be able to use most weapons effectively, craft whatever items you need, and approach any situation however you want.

Of course, you won’t be absolutely overpowered in any way either. This build focuses on balance and variety before anything else. If you’re looking to build your character around one tree though, like Cold Blood, our suggestions are always must-take perks.

With your character’s perk tree filled out, you should make sure that their cyberware is up to date. Check out our guide on the game’s best cyberware and where it can be found.

About Otto Kratky

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