Dark Souls Remastered Will No Longer Be Discounted For Prepare To Die Owners Soon

Dark Souls Remastered will no longer be 50% off for owners of the original PC version of the game starting at the end of September. The original version of the game, known as the Prepare to Die edition, was the only way to play Dark Souls for many years, but that changed with the release of Dark Souls Remastered in 2018.

The Prepare to Die edition was widely considered to be an inferior port of the game, requiring a mod called the DSfix module to even change the resolution of the game correctly, as well as to play it in 60fps. The remastered version of the game has been 50% off for owners of the original for the past two years. Starting on September 30, Dark Souls Remastered will cost the full price of $40 for everyone.

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As suggested by several Reddit users, the remastered version of the game rarely, if ever, goes on sale due to this ongoing 50% off promotion, which causes “discount stacking” for owners. Now that the promotion is ending, we should likely expect Dark Souls Remastered to go on sale more often, though it’s not guaranteed.

The next game from Dark Souls developer From Software is Elden Ring, which comes out on January 21, 2022. Though it is not an official entry in the Dark Souls series, director Hidetaka Miyazaki has indicated it will share certain similarities with the acclaimed franchise, though there will be many differences as well, including open-world environments and horse-mounted combat.

About Steven T. Wright

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