Days Gone Dev Bend Studio Is Working On A New IP

Bend Studio, the developer behind PlayStation-exclusive zombie-killing game Days Gone, is working on a new IP–and it sounds like it’s going to be another open-world game.

In an interview on the PlayStation Blog, Head of PlayStation Studios Hermen Hulst gave an overview of what all of Sony’s first-party developers are up to. In response to a question about new IP, Hulst revealed that Sony Bend is working on something different than a follow-up to Days Gone.

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“Bend Studio is working on a very exciting new IP that they’re very, very passionate about,” he said. “They’re building on the deep open-world systems that they developed with Days Gone. So I’m really happy for Bend Studio.”

In a separate statement shared on Twitter, Bend Studio wrote, “We are beyond grateful for your support with Days Gone and are truly honored by the amount of passion our community has shared with us for our world and characters.” It reaffirmed that it’s at work on a “brand-new IP” and added, “We hope you embark on this new journey with us, and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.”

There’s no word on how soon we might see the new game from Bend or what platforms it will release on, although PS5 is almost certain to be one of them.

Over the past few years, Sony’s first-party efforts have largely centered around big-budget, cinema-like games that have featured increasingly open worlds. Days Gone didn’t achieve spectacular critical success, but it makes sense that Sony and Bend would double down on the open-world technology that the studio developed for the game. It’s also worth saying that a Days Gone sequel could still be in the works at Bend; at about 130 employees, the studio is big enough to support multiple projects. However, a recent report from Bloomberg suggested that Days Gone 2 has not been greenlit by Sony.

Hulst’s interview has revealed a lot of news about the status of PlayStation Studios games. For example, he stated that Gran Turismo 7 will be coming to PS4 as well as PS5, God of War has also been delayed to 2022, and Horizon: Forbidden West is not guaranteed to launch this year.

About Alex Newhouse

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