In response to the news that Ghost of Tsushima sold more than 8 million copies, the director of the PlayStation exclusive Days Gone revealed a sales number for the 2019 game.
Jeff Ross, who directed Days Gone and has subsequently left the studio, said on Twitter that when he left Sony, Days Gone had sold 8 million copies on console alone. The game has subsequently sold more on PlayStation consoles, plus a further 1 million+ on Steam, Ross said.
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[Update: Ross has revealed the source of this sales information was a Trophy-tracking website that has since shut down. As reported by Push Square, Ross shared the info on David Jaffe’s YouTube channel. Given the nature of the data, it’s possible that sales were not, in fact, in excess of 8 million copies on PS4, as Trophy data may include things like multiple users who play a single copy. As a result, it’s unclear just how well the game did in fact sell.]Ross went on to claim that local studio management “always made us feel like it was a big disappointment.” Ross said the press coverage–but not review scores–was a factor. “The press didn’t help our case,” Ross said.
Ross went on to say that Sony management had more faith in Death Stranding than Days Gone. The developer also spoke about the game’s development, saying, “Development was a long slog, but we were a small team learning how to make our first open world game. All things considered, it’s amazing we finished at all.”
Ross left Bend Studio in December 2020. There are apparently no plans for a sequel, despite the huge sales, with Bend Studio now focusing on a new IP.