Dead By Daylight Dating Sim Officially Announced With First Trailer And Details

A Dead by Daylight dating simulator is in development, and no, this is not a joke. Confirming rumors, developer Behaviour Interactive has officially announced Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim.

This is a visual novel set on Murderer’s Island, featuring the characters Huntress, Wraith, Spirit, and Trapper. A release date has yet to be announced.

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Now Playing: Hooked on You | Announcement Trailer

“Your companions: four dead-sexy Killers who, underneath their murderous exteriors, just want a little romance. Flirt your way into their hearts, uncovering dark twists along the way. Will you find true love, forge friendships… or get hacked to death? Only you can decide,” reads a line from its description.

Hooked on You is developed by Psyop, the studio behind the KFC dating game I Love You, Colonel Sanders. The game is described as a “choice-based interactive experience” that lets players see Dead by Daylight characters in a new light.

“Each Killer brings a very different personality to the story that will continue to reveal itself the stronger your relationship becomes. And who knows what you will discover along the way?” the description goes on to say.

Everyone who buys Hooked on You will receive an “exclusive universal charm” and a new outfit for the Dead by Daylight character Jake Park.

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Hooked on You was announced today as part of Dead by Daylight’s sixth anniversary livestream event, during which Behaviour also revealed changes to the progression system to lessen the grind and the newest chapter, Roots of Dread, which arrives in June.

About Eddie Makuch

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