Dead By Daylight New Chapter Adds K-Pop Killer On PC PTB

A new Dead by Daylight update is now live on Steam via the game’s Player Test Build (PTB), developer Behaviour Interactive announced. The full patch notes for the update, dubbed 4.6.0, are outlined below. The update makes some changes to the game, including adding two new characters–the killer Trickster and the survivor Yun-Jin lee–as well as implementing quality-of-life improvements, and putting in more chat features. Update 4.6.0 marks the arrival of Dead By Daylight Chapter 19: All-Kill.

At the top of update 4.6.0 are the two new characters: the killer The Trickster and the survivor Yun-Jin Lee. The Trickster is a K-pop star who now enjoys making music with the bones of his enemies. Yun-Jin, meanwhile, is The Trickster’s former producer. They both come with their own set of abilities and weapons, as well as a unique special. For example, The Trickster can activate his Main Event special once his Event Meter is full. This ability gives him unlimited access to his throwing knives, increases his throw rate, and boosts his movement speed.

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There are also adjustments for two other killers: The Blight and The Wraith. The Blight’s point of view has been better positioned to reflect where his eyes are looking and the collision detection for his abilities has been reworked. On the other side, The Wraith’s movement speed while cloaked has been increased but he now moves much slower when uncloaked.

Update 4.6.0 adds some quality-of-life improvements as well. The game now has a new chat filter feature, which should help cut some of the inappropriate language that populates the in-game chat. There are also colorblind modes that let players switch between various visual capabilities, like deuteranope and tritanope filters.

Lastly, the perk Decisive Strike will now deactivate when players repair a generator, heal themselves or another player, unhook other players, cleanse a totem, or sabotage a hook. Behaviour Interactive said the change was to prevent players from exploiting the perk by activating it to gain protection while continuing to make progress on the objective.

Read below for the full list of Dead By Daylight changes as part of update 4.6.0. And check out this developer update on the latest patch for a brief breakdown behind the biggest changes.

Dead By Daylight Update 4.6.0 Patch Notes


Added a new Killer – The Trickster.Added a new Survivor – Yun-Jin Lee.Added a setting to change the privacy of the party.Added the Chat Filter feature.Added an error message when a user fails to add a friend because he has too many friends.


The Blight: Adjusted his first-person animations and camera position to be higher up.Reworked the collision detection for his power. It should now be consistent with basic .attack obstruction and no longer result in sliding off various surfaces.The Wraith Increased his cloaked movement speed.Decreased his movement speed while uncloaking.Reduced the Windstorm addon move speed bonuses to compensate for the above speed changes.Removed the uncloaking move speed penalties from the Windstorm add-ons.


Colorblind modes have been added and can be accessed VIA the Options menu.


Decisive Strike – Now deactivates when performing certain actions that are not part of evading the Killer.


Increased the visibility and size of the negative status effect timer fill.Made adjustments to the player status timer bar to be more accurate and added back the glows to indicate when the timer bar is paused or requires attention.Improved performance.


Updated the accept and cancel buttons on Friend and Group requests to have a greater visual difference.

Visual Update

Visual Update for the main Lobby, Store and Tally.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a crash in the initial interaction screen.Fixed a crash in the Play as Killer lobby that could occur when repeatedly holding the Ready button to cancel the search.Fixed an issue that prevented Killers to drop on top of the chairs in Ormond’s chalet.Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when using Victor to pounce on a survivor as they exit the trial.Fixed an issue that could cause Victor to stay stuck inside the hills unique to the Red Forest maps.Fixed an issue that caused the infected VFX behind the survivor icon to not be fully completed when the Survivor is affected by the Broken status effect.Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to remain standing until they move when downed from a Deep Wound status.Fixed an issue that caused Killers and Survivors to be seen floating in certain spots on hills in Asylum maps.Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor’s health bar to no longer flash when the timer is paused.Fixed an issue that could cause the Trail of Punishment of the Damned sound effect to keep playing even if no trails were left behind.Fixed an issue that caused Survivor to not stay on the ground after dying status animation has occurred.Fixed an issue that could cause players to spawn inside a collision (therefore not being able to move) when loading into the Dead Dawg Saloon map.Fixed an issue that could prevent repairing a generator from the light post side in Grim Pantry.Fixed an issue that could prevent Survivor health bars from being visually accurate (bar would appear empty before Survivor dies).Fixed an issue that caused the item’s icon on the ground to overlap with the progress bar when equipped with some specific items (only if the In-Game HUD scale is 85% or lower).Switch only: Fixed an issue where selecting an Archive cinematic would briefly play a few frames of the last previously viewed cinematic.Fixed a crash that may occur when holding both buttons to switch between Survivors in Spectator Mode.Stadia only: Fixed an issue with the UI prompts showing for a wrong platform when using a keyboard and a controller.

Known Issues

Victor can get stuck in the Basement hook and cannot pounce on survivors.The Nurse may become unable to do any actions after a Blink Grab.Survivors do not generate Killer Instinct when interacting with the Demogorgon’s Portal.Survivors will clip inside the environment or float during some interactions.Survivors do not look back smoothly when crouching near a wall or asset.Hex: Ruin does not automatically regress generators.Projectiles go through pallets.Oni’s sword ‘Yamaoka Blade’ appears to stretch erratically from a distance.Ammo Items in lockers do not spawn unless the Trickster is present in a match. When playing as other Killers, the locker is empty.

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