Dambuster Studios and Deep Silver have announced that Dead Island 2’s first story expansion, Haus, will launch on November 2.
In this expansion, players will investigate a mysterious Malibu cult. The cult’s leader, Konstantin, is a billionaire who hosts death-cult fights and it’s up to players to stop him. Haus takes place in Malibu, which is a brand-new location for Dead Island 2. This new area is home to multiple labyrinths with various biomes.
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Now Playing: Dead Island 2 Everything To Know
There are also new weapons available, such as the K-Rossbow that has long-range firepower and causes zombie brains to explode, while the Hog Roaster seems to have some sort of flamethrower component. Additionally, there are eight new skill cards for players to earn.
Dead Island 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. The game was announced nine years ago and has gone through a tumultuous development period. The main culprit was reportedly Unreal Engine 4’s inability to support the open-world gameplay that original developer Yager and Deep Silver initially envisioned for the game.
In GameSpot’s Dead Island 2 review, we said, “Along with the lackluster story, poor gunplay and some balancing issues hurt Dead Island 2, but its deep melee combat systems and rich setting make it a better game than the original, which is maybe the most important thing I can say about it after everything it’s been through.”
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